dem's some haggard ass icons

by emam and alexi!

3/24/09 01:57 am - [info]sickcaticons - Sasha Pivovarova

Hey look, more Sasha Pivovarova. Why? Because I honestly find her totally adorable and a sort of decent Gemma Ward replacement. You know even though I can totally tell them apart now. Anyway, as long as she keeps up the slight weight gain where she doesn't look like she'll eat my soul, I'll continue to make icons of her...slowly.

61 icons of Sasha Pivovarova )

10/7/08 04:04 pm - [info]sickcaticons - Sasha Pivovarova

Hey, it was Fashion Week. Guess what that means? Yes, more Sasha Pivovarova.

106 Icons of Sasha Pivovarova )

2/12/08 11:12 pm - [info]sickcaticons - Sasha Pivovarova

Of course more Sasha, did you think I would stop?
80 Icons of Sasha Pivovarova )

12/17/07 05:23 am - [info]sickcaticons - Sasha Pivovarova

Sasha Pivovarova, near impossible to find unless you hunt for a bit and rather scary and horrid looking in these icons but as time goes on I was able to find the sweet Sasha in all of the scary cheekboned photos and so, the first ones are the scariest. Promise. And yes, she does look like Gemma Ward on crack.

100 Icons of Sasha Pivovarova )

12/11/07 03:57 am - [info]sickcaticons - Sasha Pivovarova

100 Icons of Sasha Pivovarova )

12/11/07 03:55 am - [info]sickcaticons - Sasha Pivovarova

100 Icons of Sasha Pivovarova )

12/11/07 03:54 am - [info]sickcaticons - Sasha Pivovarova

100 Icons of Sasha Pivovarova )
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