dem's some haggard ass icons

by emam and alexi!

4/5/08 06:21 am - [info]24601 - Fyfe Dangerfield

This week in Obsessions Discovered on YouTube, we have Fyfe Dangerfield! [info]sickcaticons was watching Never Mind the Buzzcocks and I directed her to the episode where Preston of the Ordinary Boys walked off. She ended up absolutely loving Fyfe Dangerfield. So, while she's got the actual pictures of him, I've got the videos.

I absolutely love his voice, and his dorkiness. I'm probably going to add to this later on today, I just already lied horribly about going to sleep, seeing as I was about to sleep when I discovered their site had good quality videos, and decided, hey, why not cap this shit? Oh well. Sleep is for the weak. Whoo, added about 40 more!

114 Fyfe Dangerfield )
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