dem's some haggard ass icons

by emam and alexi!

1/9/09 05:54 pm - [info]24601 - Evil Jared Hasselhoff

69 Evil Jared Hasselhoff )

2/9/08 01:31 am - [info]24601 - Evil Jared Hasselhoff

Dear Evil Jared,
Never go back to that bleached blond look again.

Okay, bleached blond hair or not, I do think I've found the newest (and fourth) face for my Donaghan Tremlett. Sadly, a lot of these icons look like crap, and that's after doing a lot of work to make them not look like shit. If you're looking at these in terms of relative quality, then they're better than they could be.

131 Evil Jared Hasselhoff, plus 2 banners )
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