dem's some haggard ass icons

by emam and alexi!

10/22/09 02:47 am - [info]24601 - Dave England

156 Dave England + 6 banners )

10/22/09 02:47 am - [info]24601 - Dave England

156 Dave England )

10/22/09 02:47 am - [info]24601 - Dave England

I will now magically double the number of my Dave England icons, thanks to Shred. I just wish they actually fit my Dave PB better. Maybe one of these days, someone else will use Dave as a PB and it'll be worth it. Maybe.

P.S. I'm splitting them evenly into 3 posts instead of my usual 100-150 icons a post, because... it's just easier for me. Whatever.

P.P.S. (aka The Son of P.S.) It should be criminal to have eyes so effing gorgeous. WTF Dave, no fair. No fair at all.

156 Dave England )

8/8/09 05:08 am - [info]24601 - Dave England

It'll be a sad, sad day when I run out of Jackass resources to pillage and cap for icons. Thankfully, that day is not today.

72 Dave England )

5/12/09 03:13 am - [info]24601 - Dave England

63 Dave England + 4 banners )

6/13/08 09:29 pm - [info]24601 - Dave England

71 Dave England )

6/13/08 09:25 pm - [info]24601 - Dave England

I was desperate for new Dave England icons, since I was so tired of the ones I’ve been using for my Dave PB. Some of these are repeats from other posts -- I went back through and recapped Jackass 2 and 2.5 since I wasn’t too happy with how they turned out the first time (bad quality and wonky aspect ratios, bleh) -- I’m just too lazy to go back through and find the repeats from the other posts to remove them. Also, I don’t really think anyone else is PBing him, so it’s totally all about me, yo. ;-D

100 Dave England )

1/25/08 06:12 am - [info]24601 - Dave England

All (except for the last two) capped from Jackass 2.5, because my Dave England PB wanted new icons, damnit. And because I was formulating my theory on why he's one of the least famous Jackasses (hint: it involves sabotage by Brandon Dicamillo). I'm also still in love with his eyes, which shouldn't be a surprise to those of you who know me and my... love for pretty eyes. His are just really, really pretty. They might seem a tad squished, since my aspect ratio seems to be off and I tried to fix it, but I hope it's nothing too severe!

70 Dave England )

12/16/07 01:19 am - [info]24601 - Dave England

Okay, so I love Dave England because I love all my Jackass boys, but there's one thing I especially love about Dave. The man has got some gorgeous as frick eyes. Like for serious.

More Dave England can be found here!

92 Dave England )
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