dem's some haggard ass icons

by emam and alexi!

7/20/08 12:42 am - [info]24601 - Madeline Kahn

I meant to do these ages ago, and I started them a little while too, because I adore Madeline Kahn like she should be adored, but I wanted to include Blazing Saddles caps, and I hadn't capped Blazing Saddles yet. Unfortunately, I finished these while letting that auto-cap, and when I was finished, I realized I had left the aspect ratio at the wrong settings. So those will hopefully come in a little bit. But for now, Madeline Kahn in Young Frankenstein.

73 Madeline Kahn )

5/1/08 12:39 am - [info]24601 - Ingrid Bergman

I'm starting to think it's looking like I just spent the past three or so days straight iconning. Really, I'm just posting either sets I've done in the past few months and forgot about, or have been iconning off and on and just finished up recently. I swear.

OH WELL. Anways, when we chose Scandinavia for our [info]icontheworld subject, I'm pretty sure we knew we had to icon Ingrid Bergman, Ace of Base and ABBA. (Emma, I'm telling you, ABBA is all yours. Go forth and icon.) So, here's Ingrid Bergman in Casablanca. Isn't she just so gorgeous? ♥

128 Ingrid Bergman )

3/26/08 08:17 pm - [info]24601 - Teri Garr

All from Young Frankenstein once again, though these actually proved a lot harder to make than the Gene Wilder icons, so the quality is a little off. Still, it's totally worth it for anyone in this movie.

89 Teri Garr )

3/7/08 02:20 pm - [info]24601 - Gene Wilder

126 Gene Wilder )

3/7/08 02:05 pm - [info]24601 - Gene Wilder

Young Frankenstein caps! One of the best movies in existence, man. I practically have this movie memorized, and probably one of my proudest moments was when I made a reference to it in passing at dinner one night, and my five-year-old stepsister said, "Young Frankenstein!" I'm gleefully corrupting that kid.

100 Gene Wilder )
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