dem's some haggard ass icons

March 24th, 2009

01:51 am - [info]sickcaticons - Pania Rose

Pania makes my head hurt. Somewhere along the way the html went all wonky and now it's gotten worse. And she hardly ever has photos. So the batch sizes for her are just stupid. Well, twenty is better than nothing huh? If anyone can travel to find her and just follow her around for two days and take photos, I'll be ever so happy.

20 Icons of Pania Rose )

01:57 am - [info]sickcaticons - Sasha Pivovarova

Hey look, more Sasha Pivovarova. Why? Because I honestly find her totally adorable and a sort of decent Gemma Ward replacement. You know even though I can totally tell them apart now. Anyway, as long as she keeps up the slight weight gain where she doesn't look like she'll eat my soul, I'll continue to make icons of her...slowly.

61 icons of Sasha Pivovarova )

02:00 am - [info]sickcaticons - Dee Plume

Dee Plume! Of Robots In Disguise. I found her though Noel Fielding and am I the only one that thinks they look alike? I can't be the only one, seriously. Anyway, she's totally adorable and don't worry I did Sue as well. Because you can't just do one of them. That'd be lame.

56 icons of Dee Plume )

02:04 am - [info]sickcaticons - Sue Denim

And Sue Denim as well! I think I love this band and these girls. Youtube them if you've never heard of them. I also believe I dance like them, because I'm sorry, they can't dance. But it's okay because really, I didn't expect them to.

76 icons of Sue Denim )

06:45 pm - [info]24601 - Lacey Schwimmer

STFU, I ONLY WATCH DANCING WITH THE STARS FOR STEVE-O. And that's the only reason I'm iconning her AND NO ONE ELSE FROM THE SHOW. Though iconning Ty Murray wouldn't be too bad of an idea. YOU DO SOMETHING WITH OR SUPPORT JACKASSES, YOU GET MY LOVE, and she seems to not hate working with him, which gives her a +1.

Also, we now have an equal number of male and female PBs here. I think I need to fix that by iconning the crap out of my boys again.

100 Lacey Schwimmer )

06:46 pm - [info]24601 - Lacey Schwimmer

75 Lacey Schwimmer )
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