dem's some haggard ass icons

May 1st, 2008

12:10 am - [info]24601 - Rune Glifberg

I blame the plethora of skateboarder PBs on Bob Burnquist. If I hadn't iconned him, I wouldn't have discovered, which led me to the discovery of... Scandinavian skateboarders. So now I have the excuse of iconning them for [info]icontheworld. You just can't beat that logic, I'm telling you.

Aaanyways, Rune Glifberg was one of the ones I discovered. He's a Danish skater with really pretty eyes and a site that makes me feel like I've been thrown back into the days of bad, bad AOL profile sites.

75 Rune Glifberg, 2 banners )

12:39 am - [info]24601 - Ingrid Bergman

I'm starting to think it's looking like I just spent the past three or so days straight iconning. Really, I'm just posting either sets I've done in the past few months and forgot about, or have been iconning off and on and just finished up recently. I swear.

OH WELL. Anways, when we chose Scandinavia for our [info]icontheworld subject, I'm pretty sure we knew we had to icon Ingrid Bergman, Ace of Base and ABBA. (Emma, I'm telling you, ABBA is all yours. Go forth and icon.) So, here's Ingrid Bergman in Casablanca. Isn't she just so gorgeous? ♥

128 Ingrid Bergman )

01:05 am - [info]24601 - Christine Taylor

FINAL SET FOR THE NIGHT, I SWEAR. I've been making these for the last few months or so, whenever I made those Owen Wilson icons from Zoolander. I just keep getting distracted and wander off. Like a stray cat. I just saw her in this movie and went, "O HAI, YOU LOOK LIKE YOU COULD BE RITA!"

100 Christine Taylor )

01:20 am - [info]24601 - Christine Taylor

64 Christine Taylor )
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