dem's some haggard ass icons

December 17th, 2007

03:31 am - [info]24601 - wiL Francis

Repost from alexcicio at GJ. And there's a lot.

I freaking love wiL. To NO END. I love the band (TO NO END, ONCE AGAIN) too, and it makes me so happy every time I hear about the band doing well. Hell, I've sort of been making plans to go see them in Texas a few times in a row with the friend who introduced me to them all night. When I first tried to icon him like a year ago, I dragged the internet and got a handful of pictures, half of which he was performing, and scared the hell out of me. The second time I iconned him, I dragged Google and Buzznet, got every single picture there was, and ended up with 250. Now I'm being picky and I get something like 750. IT MAKES ME HAPPY, MAN.

100 wiL Francis )

03:46 am - [info]24601 - wiL Francis

100 wiL Francis )

03:59 am - [info]24601 - wiL Francis

100 wiL Francis )

04:31 am - [info]24601 - wiL Francis

100 wiL Francis )

04:32 am - [info]24601 - wiL Francis

100 wiL Francis )

04:40 am - [info]24601 - wiL Francis

100 wiL Francis )

04:51 am - [info]24601 - wiL Francis

100 wiL Francis )

04:59 am - [info]24601 - wiL Francis

Okay, finally, the last of my wiL and all new ones, though there's a handful of new ones on the end of the last post. I've realized while posting all these that there are a few repeats, but that's to be expected when you have 760 of one man. The sad part is, he's nowhere near the person I have the most icons of. Bam Margera easily takes the cake there.

60 wiL Francis, plus 3 banners )

05:23 am - [info]sickcaticons - Sasha Pivovarova

Sasha Pivovarova, near impossible to find unless you hunt for a bit and rather scary and horrid looking in these icons but as time goes on I was able to find the sweet Sasha in all of the scary cheekboned photos and so, the first ones are the scariest. Promise. And yes, she does look like Gemma Ward on crack.

100 Icons of Sasha Pivovarova )

05:24 am - [info]sickcaticons - Mirka Michlikova

15 year old model. That's really all I know. But she does look a hell of a lot like Sasha..sorta. Whatever close enough.
37 Icons of Mirka Michlikova )

05:32 am - [info]sickcaticons - Hayley Williams

Ok, lead singer of Paramore. I caught her on MTV2 one night and decided that I liked her hair. So, I felt it necessary to icon her. She's one of those that I got to right before they exploded onto the whole scene. Anyway, posting them anyway.
40 Icons of Hayley Williams )

05:37 am - [info]sickcaticons - Pania Rose

Pania Rose is one of those SI models that does a few other things but mostly she's impossible to find wearing real clothing. Anyway, she has adorable freckles and about 6 pages of photos which means, of course, I have to icon her.

100 Icons of Pania Rose )

05:43 am - [info]sickcaticons - Pania Rose

101 Icons of Pania Rose )

05:50 am - [info]sickcaticons - Rosanne Doosje

I'm not even sure where I found Rosanne to begin with, I think I just found her hair and ran with it. So, anyway, random totally, but she has brilliant hair.
57 Icons of Rosanne Doosje )

06:01 am - [info]sickcaticons - Sian Abbott

One of the few models that I was able to find with freckles when I went searching for models with freckles. Sian is near impossible to find, the icons are really about every photo possible of her but she's still really cute. Sort of a Pania with less boobs.
32 Icons of Sian Abbott )

02:19 pm - [info]sickcaticons - Ville Valo

I debated actually posting these because Ville has been my ongoing project for nearly three years now and a lot of these I've had for that long. He's one of those I have the most icons of and I love him to death. But, in the end, he gets posted anyway because everyone should have an icon or two of him.

100 Icons of Ville Valo )

02:25 pm - [info]sickcaticons - Ville Valo

100 Icons of Ville Valo )

02:33 pm - [info]sickcaticons - Ville Valo

100 Icons of Ville Valo )

02:53 pm - [info]sickcaticons - Ville Valo

100 Icons of Ville Valo )

09:19 pm - [info]24601 - Jason "Wee Man" Acuña

For some reason, I had a hell of a time iconning Wee Man. And not in that "GOD DAMNIT WHY DON'T YOU HAVE MORE PICTURES?" way, more in that "OH MY GOD THESE PICTURES HATE ME, THEY HAVE IT OUT FOR ME, I HOPE THEY DIE A SLOW AND PAINFUL DEATH" way. Because they really do, and I hope they do.

More can be found here.

100 Jason ''Wee Man'' Acuña, plus 1 banner )
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