Gwydion Academy for Witches' Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Gwydion Academy for Witches

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[20 Apr 2010|11:56pm]
WHO: Alexandra Backler and Macayla Cremin
WHAT: Alex is feeling bold…hopefully she won't chicken out!
WHERE: Starting in Alex's room, where she is sending Macayla enchanted notes.
WHEN: Tuesday, April 20th, 2010. 4pm
STATUS: In progress.

Alex had written and rewritten a note to Macayla so many times that crumpled parchment littered the floor at her feet. It had taken all the nerve she could muster to fold up the only piece of parchment she hadn't crumpled up into an origami bird with her message concealed inside.

She had enchanted the message with a hex that she was able to perform only because she had found a hair of Macayla's on her cloak after they had studied the day they had knocked each other over in the hall.

The hex would only allow Macayla to read the note. It anyone else even touched it, the parchment would burst into a tiny ball of blame that would burn the person's fingers. It was dark magic, though very tame by the standards of such. If she got caught, she would get detention for sure though. But, it was worth it to Alex.

The message, after Macayla read it, would disappear into harmless smoke a few minutes after she unfolded it. Alex didn't want to leave and evidence of what she had asked…

It would have been easier to write a note to Macayla in their journals but, in her paranoia, she just couldn't bring herself to do it that way. She felt like people had a better chance of finding out that way.

Using her wand, she cast a charm to bring the origami parchment into motion. "Macayla Cremin," Alex announced in a clear voice. The little parchment bird flew away in search of its designated recipient.

Inside the note read:


I wanted to tell you I had a lot of fun spending time with you a couple of weeks ago. I had meant to write you sooner but things have been very busy with me and I wanted to assure I could find time to spend with you.

Would you like to go on a date with me?

I thought that we could go down to the beach and maybe grab a bite to eat? Maybe walk on the beach after that?

I hope that I haven't been too forward.


Once the note flew away, Alex fight light headed. Her heart was pounding and she thought she might feint. She felt like this was the only way she could manage to ask her but the waiting was going to be murder!

Sitting at her desk, she put in the earbuds to her iPod and listened to some music as a distraction that didn't offer as much distraction as she would have hoped…
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