Apr. 7th, 2008


Some 1x2 Fic

Disclaimer: I don’t own ‘em, so don’t sue me!
Arc: Whenever You Call
Author: La Loba de Mibu
Rating: PG-13
Author Notes: These takes place in the Whenever You Call universe. Most were once a part of a much longer chapter fic of that name, however, I became dissatisfied with the fic’s structure and decided to break it down. These the first three stories in what I'm now treating as a series.
Warnings:  None

Story Title: It Starts . . .
Genre: Action/Drama, Shounen ai
Pairing: 1+2
Summary: Heero and Duo are assigned to infiltrate and destroy the same Oz base. But when things go wrong, it becomes a race against the clock to get out alive. And without fully understanding why, Heero disregards his training and saves his partner’s life.
Word Count: +/- 2400

Story Title: Step 2 -- Looking For Love
Genre: Romance, Shounen ai
Pairing: 1+2, unrequited 5+2
Summary: Duo has always been a very perceptive person; which is why when he notices Wufei spiraling into a deep depression after a botched Preventer’s assignment, he decides to step in. But is the botched assignment really all that has been bothering Wufei?
Word Count: +/- 4475

Story Title: Step 3 -- What The Rain Knows
Genre: Angst, Shounen ai
Pairing: 1+2
Summary: The tragedies of Duo’s life are all well known to the rain. It has always been there to witness them, and shed tears for him; because Duo has never cried a day in his life.  
Word Count: +/- 3200


Aug. 19th, 2007


The Extreme Home Makeover: Gundam Edition

Title: The Extreme Home Makeover: Gundam Edition by GuiltyRed
Genre: Crack, some tentacles, character torture (in the name of humor - not BDSM)
Character/Pairing: allusions to Heero/Duo; Treize/Zechs; Trowa/Quatre
Rating: NC17 just to be safe 
Comments: explosions, plant-life (tentacles), general picking on characters quirks
Status: Complete but I will post a chapter at a time here
Summary: Due to unfortunate events, Heero needs a new house.  Duo enlists the other pilots for help.  Includes humorous character torture.

Part 16: The Garage

Part 17: Epilogue


Aug. 17th, 2007


Rapture (Fanart, 1x2)

Hello everyone! Just thought I would share my latest GW fanwork. :) It's fanart, so I didn't add a summary.

Title: Rapture
Artist: [info]nanthimus
Pairing: 1x2
Rating: PG-13 because it's obvious that they're naked but there's no actual nudity. :)
Disclaimer: Not mine!

( @ DeviantArt )

And a quick intro for me: Hi, I'm Nan and I'm new to the community and IJ. Nice to meet you! :D

Aug. 7th, 2007


The Extreme Home Makeover: Gundam Edition

Title: The Extreme Home Makeover: Gundam Edition by GuiltyRed
Genre: Crack, some tentacles, character torture (in the name of humor - not BDSM)
Character/Pairing: allusions to Heero/Duo; Treize/Zechs; Trowa/Quatre
Rating: NC17 just to be safe 
Comments: explosions, plant-life (tentacles), general picking on characters quirks
Status: Complete but I will post a chapter at a time here
Summary: Due to unfortunate events, Heero needs a new house.  Duo enlists the other pilots for help.  Includes humorous character torture.

Part 14: The Walkthrough

Part 15: The Game Room


Aug. 5th, 2007


The Extreme Home Makeover: Gundam Edition

Title: The Extreme Home Makeover: Gundam Edition by GuiltyRed
Genre: Crack, some tentacles, character torture (in the name of humor - not BDSM)
Character/Pairing: allusions to Heero/Duo; Treize/Zechs; Trowa/Quatre
Rating: NC17 just to be safe 
Comments: explosions, plant-life (tentacles), general picking on characters quirks
Status: Complete but I will post a chapter at a time here
Summary: Due to unfortunate events, Heero needs a new house.  Duo enlists the other pilots for help.  Includes humorous character torture.

Part 12: Day Seven - A Little Later

Part 13: The Reveal


Aug. 1st, 2007


The Extreme Home Makeover: Gundam Edition

Title: The Extreme Home Makeover: Gundam Edition by GuiltyRed
Genre: Crack, some tentacles, character torture (in the name of humor - not BDSM)
Character/Pairing: allusions to Heero/Duo; Treize/Zechs; Trowa/Quatre
Rating: NC17 just to be safe 
Comments: explosions, plant-life (tentacles), general picking on characters quirks
Status: Complete but I will post a chapter at a time here
Summary: Due to unfortunate events, Heero needs a new house.  Duo enlists the other pilots for help.  Includes humorous character torture.

Part 10 - Day 6: Evening

Part 11 - Day 7: Pre-Dawn

Jul. 7th, 2007


The Extreme Home Makeover: Gundam Edition

Title: The Extreme Home Makeover: Gundam Edition by GuiltyRed
Genre: Crack, some tentacles, character torture (in the name of humor - not BDSM)
Character/Pairing: allusions to Heero/Duo; Treize/Zechs; Trowa/Quatre
Rating: NC17 just to be safe 
Comments: explosions, plant-life (tentacles), general picking on characters quirks
Status: Complete but I will post a chapter at a time here
Summary: Due to unfortunate events, Heero needs a new house.  Duo enlists the other pilots for help.  Includes humorous character torture.

Part 9 - Day 6: Afternoon

Jul. 2nd, 2007


The Extreme Home Makeover: Gundam Edition

Title: The Extreme Home Makeover: Gundam Edition by GuiltyRed
Genre: Crack, some tentacles, character torture (in the name of humor - not BDSM)
Character/Pairing: allusions to Heero/Duo; Treize/Zechs; Trowa/Quatre
Rating: NC17 just to be safe 
Comments: explosions, plant-life (tentacles), general picking on characters quirks
Status: Complete but I will post a chapter at a time here
Summary: Due to unfortunate events, Heero needs a new house.  Duo enlists the other pilots for help.  Includes humorous character torture.

Part 8 - Day 6 Morning

Jun. 27th, 2007


Title: The Extreme Home Makeover: Gundam Edition by GuiltyRed
Genre: Crack, some tentacles, character torture (in the name of humor - not BDSM)
Character/Pairing: allusions to Heero/Duo; Treize/Zechs; Trowa/Quatre
Rating: NC17 just to be safe 
Comments: explosions, plant-life (tentacles), general picking on characters quirks
Status: Complete but I will post a chapter at a time here
Summary: Due to unfortunate events, Heero needs a new house.  Duo enlists the other pilots for help.  Includes humorous character torture.

Part 7 - Day 5


Jun. 25th, 2007


The Extreme Home Makeover: Gundam Edition

Title: The Extreme Home Makeover: Gundam Edition by GuiltyRed
Genre: Crack, some tentacles, character torture (in the name of humor - not BDSM)
Character/Pairing: allusions to Heero/Duo; Treize/Zechs; Trowa/Quatre
Rating: NC17 just to be safe 
Comments: explosions, plant-life (tentacles), general picking on characters quirks
Status: Complete but I will post a chapter at a time here
Summary: Due to unfortunate events, Heero needs a new house.  Duo enlists the other pilots for help.  Includes humorous character torture.

1 - T Minus 37 Minutes and Counting

2 - The Request for a Home Makeover

3 - Day One

4 - Day Two

5 - Day Three

6 - Day Four

Jun. 23rd, 2007


Introduction I Suppose. ;p

Okay I'm Cat. I've been a Gundam Wing fan since 1998 or 1999 somewhere in there. I was actually introduced to the anime through the fanfiction first which seemed to be the way of things for me for quite a while. Then I found it on Toon network and that was all she wrote. I became about as obsessed with it as a fan can get without bordering on stupidily obsessed. Let's just say for a while I had episodes memorized. Since then other animes have butted in but Gundam Wing and it's boys will always be special.

As an additional intro I thought I'd post the very first Gundam Wing story I ever wrote here for you to read. I promise it wasn't the first thing I ever wrote. LOL So it's not something I'd rather bury in the backyard. Hopefully it will fit here in one post. It's about 12 pages long or so.

Title: Tugging At Heartstrings
Author: Skippyscatt/Cat 2002
Rating: G to PG
Warnings: None, truly it's very safe.
Word Count: 3474
Summary: The pilot’s spend a little time thinking about their first meetings with another Gundam pilot. Well except for one, he’s thinking about someone entirely different. 1x2, 3x4 and 5x13
Author's Notes: The story was written prior to reading the Episode Zero Manga. After reading that it made Wufei's piece even more appropriate to me anyway. ;p

Tugging At Heartstrings )I hope you like it! It's very light just a hint of the future.