June 10th, 2008

[info]cozzybob in [info]gundam_yaoi

Cigarette Porn

Cigarette Porn

Rated: R

Pair: 2x? (but since this is for Link, we can safely assume it's Heero, I guess)

Warning: slash, cigarette smoking, wet Duos, some gritty-ness, umm... language. Un-beta'd. That's about it.

Note: A thank you for Link Worshiper for hosting me on her site! Wooooooooot! We both agree that Duo and cigarettes are made of sex, so here's my homage to that wonderful, sexalicious image. Enjoy, Link! xD

Summary: Duo smokes. It's the ultimate act of voyeurism, really.

Blue ghosts curl from the end of an orange-tipped cigarette as Duo lets it hang between two fingers, staring on forlornly out the mouth of the rain-driven alley. )