August 5th, 2007

[info]guiltyred in [info]gundam_yaoi

The Extreme Home Makeover: Gundam Edition

Title: The Extreme Home Makeover: Gundam Edition by GuiltyRed
Genre: Crack, some tentacles, character torture (in the name of humor - not BDSM)
Character/Pairing: allusions to Heero/Duo; Treize/Zechs; Trowa/Quatre
Rating: NC17 just to be safe 
Comments: explosions, plant-life (tentacles), general picking on characters quirks
Status: Complete but I will post a chapter at a time here
Summary: Due to unfortunate events, Heero needs a new house.  Duo enlists the other pilots for help.  Includes humorous character torture.

Part 12: Day Seven - A Little Later

Part 13: The Reveal
