July 2009

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April 2nd, 2009

[info]angeliclilrose in [info]guide_rpg

Who: Anabella and open
Where: Who knows
What: A scared lil girl
When: Morning
Rating: TBD

The scared child stood there, in the middle of what looked like a road and sobbed. Covered in blood and cuts, her head bleeding the most she looked around for any sort of familiar face that could be found to help her, but no one came, no one that she knew.

It had been a terrifying day for her, first being locked in a small room to stay 'safe' from the 'bad man' who wanted to take her ability, and then being found and having to fight her way out of harm's way from the man who wanted her ability. All Anabella could think, all she could hold on to was that her parents had died to save her and she couldn't let that go in vain, but now, she was somewhere new, some unknown place and she was more scared now than she had ever been before because she was all alone.

[info]ihearitall in [info]guide_rpg

Who: Matt Parkman and Open
Where: Heck if he knows
When: Afternoon
What: Confusion
Rating: TBD

Matt was still trying to figure out what happened. last thing he remembered he was running from Danko and his men and then he was in a whole new place. As he looked around it seemed to be a bright place, somewhere safe, but at the same time something was not right about it. As he walked down the street he searched for anyone who might tell him where he was and what had happened to bring him to this place.