May. 5th, 2012


Who: Charles Blake
What: Charles and his partner deal with a drunk man at work
When: Thursday evening, late
Where: Streets of London
Rating: G
Status: Solo/Completed

There were moments when Charles Blake seriously contemplated what in God's name could have possessed him to want to become a part of the machine known as the National Health Service )


Who: Julian Markum
What: Julian is stuck in a queue and being talked at
When: Friday morning
Where: Starbucks
Rating: G
Status: Solo/Completed

Peace of mind really wasn't worth all that aggravation. )


Who: Alec Constantinides
What: The Phoenix reflects on life and humanity
When: Friday afternoon
Where: Hyde Park
Rating: G
Status: Solo/Completed

What was the point of living forever if you just stopped living? )


Who: Joseph Tropiano
What: Travelling by tube does allow a man to check how the press has reported his latest venture
When: Friday morning
Where: London underground
Rating: PG
Status: Solo/Completed

A disinterested lift of an eyebrow was about as much recognition that the man hunkered down in the narrow seat of what could be only described as Earth's version of purgatory gave to the people currently around him. )