Griffon Wing Keep

April 2019



Apr. 5th, 2019


[No Subject]

Who: Emma Carstairs & Will Herondale
What: So, like, four minutes ago, Emma was making toast and now there is no bread or toaster or even the kitchen, guys, this better not be the fae realm again.
When: Early evening, today
Where: Center Courtyard
Ratings/Status: PG/In Progress

maybe you would change your mind, if you could see me now. )

Mar. 29th, 2019



[No Subject]

Who: Narcissa Black and OTA
What: Arriving into madness
When: this evening
Where: center courtyard
Warnings: tbd
Status: open, on going

And I keep on praying that I'm strong enough It's a lot for love, it's a lot for love It's the brush of my hand in a wide hallway It's the long goodbyes that give us away It's the song that comes on and hurts the most )

Mar. 28th, 2019


[No Subject]

Who: Clint Barton & Rogue
What: He was just looking Deadpool in the face and now he's here and he's super not amused about it. Hey, cool arrows, though!
When: Today, 2:00 PM
Where: Center Courtyard
Ratings/Status: PG/In Progress

you look bad, well, so do i. yeah, so do i. )

Mar. 27th, 2019


[No Subject]

Who: Magnus Bane, Alec Lightwood, Random NPC#1
What: Magnus arrives. Alec arrives about five minutes later.
When: Today, 3:51 PM
Where: Center Courtyard
Ratings/Status: PG-13 (Spoilers for Episode 15 of Shadowhunters)/In Progress

this one's for the lonely, the ones who seek and find, only to be let down, time after time. )



[No Subject]

Who: Mòrag McDougal and open
What: kitchen work
When: evening
Where: kitchen
Warnings: butchering an animal
Status: open

she had little patience. )



[No Subject]

Who: Peter Hale & OTA
What: Creeper wolf is NOT being creepy.
When: Wednesday evening
Where: Upper courtyard
Warnings: TBD
Status: Open. The 'what' may be a lie.

This is where I live )



[No Subject]

Who: Murphy MacManus and OTA
What: Trying not to freak out.
Where: Keep Courtyard
When: Afternoon
Warnings: Language

And shepherds we shall be )

Mar. 20th, 2019



[No Subject]

Who: Theo Raeken and Open
What: Kitchen duty sucks
When: Wednesday Evening
Where: The kitchens
Warnings: TBD, probably low
Status: Open

He's kinda sweet )

Mar. 19th, 2019



Letter Post to everyone

Read more... )

Mar. 15th, 2019



[No Subject]

Who: Dorian, Open
What: Welcoming Newcomers
When: Friday
Where: The Courtyard
Warnings: TBD
Status: Open to All, Game is open

The courtyard was bustling with people, and overflowing with sounds and smells of life in a desert climate. The sun was beating down, harsh and unforgiving, and those who were not use to the heat of the Western Approach were doing their best to stay in the shade and under overhangs. And under it all, was a slight hint of unease, as if everyone was waiting for something.

There was a flash of light, and when it was gone, there stood a person, looking very out of place and confused. There was a sigh from the shade of an archway, and from the shadows stepped a tall man with dark hair, dark eyes, and pale skin. He was dressed in red dragonhide pants and boots, a matching clock clasped over his shirt and vest. He approached the newcomer, a small smile in place, and bowed slightly.

"Welcome to Griffon Wing Keep. This must be very confusing for you, but if you follow me, we will get you settled in and explain what is going on."