Sep. 8th, 2014



MMM Mad Libs

[info]celtic_cherokee bumps into [info]italian_jew.
Hay gurl! Tell me about your new perm.

Here's our version of Mad Libs - might do a new one every now and then.
- For now, try to post three characters bumping into someone else's muses - all meta.
- If your character gets bumped, they should then bump into someone else.
- The rules of the universe don't apply here.
- As long as the character has a journal, they're fair game.
- Look above for an example. Coding below!


[info]_ bumps into [info]_.
_____! Tell me about your _____.

Sep. 3rd, 2014



Meta Muse Mixer

So... this is a free-for-all IC thread that is meta; or self-aware, etc. Our muses can just chat here meta style in the comments, with icons and links and gifs and whatever else we want. Also, there's this:

"Here, characters post notes for their 'muns', i. e. their writers. Do they hate the ship they can see you planning for them? Was that last bit of fanfiction you wrote a smidge too fluffy for their tastes? Have they been turned into a cat just one time too many in the past few months? Or are they pleased as punch with the new plot twist you've introduced? This is the place for them to drop you a note. Other characters can respond to your characters' announcements with sympathy, shock, raspberries, an offer of drinks or a trip to the stars—conversations start from the smallest gripes." - Dear_Mun @ Dreamwidth

Because sometimes the Facebook coding is a royal bitch and you just want to say something IC. Anyway, this is sort of just a crack thing I'll try to do each week. A new one will be posted and we can use it to inspire new threads or relationships or story arcs or anything else. Ideas/questions/comments/concerns/suggestions are welcomed/enjoyed! :D Comments should be first-person, and will only be considered canon or to be taken seriously if you say so. Otherwise, it's all just for fun/inspiration/wing-spreading. ^_^

AND NOW... I have a few muses who'd like to be let off their chains. I'm scared for my safety. >_>

Aug. 30th, 2014



The sexies.

Zap's Speed Dating )

Aug. 28th, 2014



Dating Speedy

Grasp's Speed Dating )

Aug. 25th, 2014


[No Subject]

Matrix's Speed Dating )

Aug. 23rd, 2014



The Dating Game

Kindle's Speed Dating )

Aug. 22nd, 2014



Speed Dating


Jun. 3rd, 2014



Move along...
