03 June 2012 @ 11:40 am
HP: A Quiet Moment (Harry/Draco/Severus, PG, Ficlet)  
Title: A Quiet Moment
Author: [info]sdk
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing/Characters: Harry/Draco/Severus
Rating: PG
Length/Word Count: Ficlet, 345 words
Warnings/Content: None
Notes: Written for [info]kinky_kneazle who prompted me with "Harry/Draco/Severus, sunrise." One of my 7th anniversary ficlets. Thanks to [info]torino10154 for looking this over!
Disclaimer: The following is based on fictional characters I don't own doing fictional things in a fictional world I did not create. No copyright infringement intended.

A Quiet Moment

Severus emerged from his basement lab to find the bed empty, but he spied the top of Harry's head on the small patio just off their bedroom. He stepped outside and found Draco too, curled up on their extra large chase at Harry's side.

"You should not have waited up for me," Severus said quietly when Harry greeted him with a soft smile.

"Draco didn't," Harry said with a quirk of his lips. Draco shifted and buried his head deeper into Harry's shoulder. "How goes the brewing?"

"It is done," Severus answered with a weary sigh. He'd spent the last day and night locked in his lab, his latest experiment too delicate to leave even under status charms. It had only been a mere 24 hours, but he missed the comfort of his paramours more than he'd like to admit. He wanted nothing more than to wrap himself up in their embrace and retire to bed. He extended a hand to Harry, and Harry took it, but made no effort to move.

"There's room," Harry said, tugging lightly. "It's almost sunrise."

"Very well," Severus said. He arranged himself on the chaise, and Draco shifted so he was cradled between them both. Harry smiled, his eyes tired but still gleaming in the dim pre-dawn light.

"Don't frown, Severus. We'll go to bed soon."

"I am not frowning," Severus said, but Harry cut off his words with a kiss. The light brushing of Harry lips set off a kindling of desire low in Severus' belly. He slid his palm down Draco's arm and leaned in for more. Draco stirred and cracked an eye open.

"Wake me when there's sex," he mumbled and Harry laughed out loud against Severus' lips.

"Let's watch the sunrise, then we'll continue this in bed, yeah?"

"I suppose I could wait a few minutes longer," Severus agreed. He pulled Draco closer to him as Harry settled down and lay his head on Severus' shoulder. The sky slowly brightened with streaks of pink and a fiery orange replacing the thick blue depths of night.


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Keeper of the Cocks: Facepalm_Tom Felton[info]torino10154 on June 7th, 2012 12:13 pm (UTC)
Aw, so lovely and sweet but yeah, Draco steals the show (as he would!). Love it.
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쉘리 I whip my hair like Bang Bang: hp - draco is slytherin[info]sdk on June 7th, 2012 03:07 pm (UTC)
Ahaha, he does have a tendency to do that, yeah? Thanks, bb! <3
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