29 April 2012 @ 03:45 pm
HP: We Had A Fight (Harry/Draco, PG, Drabble)  
Title: We Had A Fight
Author: [info]sdk
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing/Characters: Harry/Draco
Rating: PG
Length/Word Count: Drabble, 100x5
Warnings/Content: None
Summary: In which Draco is drunk and makes assumptions and Harry's amused until he isn't.
Notes: Written for [info]draco100's prompt "Closing Time". Unbeta'd so please forgive and/or point out any typos or errors. Thanks! <3
Disclaimer: The following is based on fictional characters I don't own doing fictional things in a fictional world I did not create. No copyright infringement intended.

We Had A Fight

“Alright, love?”

Draco curled his hand protectively around his glass and looked into Abbot's eyes. They shined with concern. And were a bit blurry. No matter, Draco didn't deserve any sort of kindness and he wasn't going to stand for it from her.

He tried to sneer, but drool slid out the corner of his mouth in the process. Abbot just looked more sympathetic. She patted his hand. Draco wanted to cry.

“Anyone I can floo to help you home? It's closing time.”

“No,” Draco said. There was no one at home for him, not any more.


Draco managed to get to the floo with Abbot's help. He tried to Oblivate her afterward, but her reflexes were too spry. She did swear not to tell anyone, not that it really mattered. Most of the Leaky's occupants had witnessed his embarrassment first hand.

When Draco landed in his sitting room, he wanted to turn around and leave again.

Instead he vomited all over the floor.

It vanished a moment later. He looked questioningly at his own wand, wondering if it was shooting off its own spells willy-nilly now.

“Good, you're home.”

Draco looked up, blearily. “Harry?”


“Who else would it be?” The corner of Harry's lips quirked and Draco was furious because this was no laughing matter, only he was so grateful to see Harry standing in his flat that all Draco wanted to was kiss him. After he smacked him.

Draco's head swam.

“But you left.”

“No,” Harry said patiently. “You left. Went to a pub, looks like.”

Draco scowled and crossed his arms over his chest. “You were gonna leave. Said I was a selfish prick. Said you hated my cat.”

“I don't hate your cat,” Harry said.


“And I wasn't gonna leave.” Harry sighed. “Why would you think that?”

“Because,” Draco said. It had all seemed very clear to him a few hours ago. “We had a fight.”

“Yeah,” Harry said. Draco was getting tired of Harry's one word answers, so he glared. Harry's lips quirked again, which was not the intended affect.

“You said I was a selfish prick,” Draco sputtered.

“You might have mentioned that.”

“So...you were going to leave. I didn't want to—I left so I wouldn't have to see you leave. Why are you here?”


The amusement vanished from Harry's face in an instant and Draco braced himself for what was to come. Harry stalked forward, grabbed Draco's shoulders and muttered, “You stupid, stupid man.” His eyes were large and green and took up the whole of Draco's vision.

“We had a fight,” Harry said, soft but firm. “But I'm not leaving.”

“You're not?”

“No, I'm not.” Harry dipped down and pressed his lips to Draco's. Draco flooded with confusion and relief, but mostly relief. He'd figure out what happened later, but Harry wasn't leaving. That was all that mattered.


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traintracks[info]train_tracks on October 23rd, 2012 03:29 am (UTC)
Slllllooooooowwwww IJ! Grr! Argh!

But THIS! Ohhhh I love it!!!

I want to snuggle Draco so hard. And Harry for loving him and understanding him and giving that boy what he so badly needs!


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쉘리 I whip my hair like Bang Bang[info]sdk on October 23rd, 2012 04:27 am (UTC)
Ack, sorry IJ is giving you such problems. :C But thank you for persevering to comment!! I appreciate it and thank you for you lovely words. :D <3
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