30 January 2012 @ 05:04 pm
HP: Scarred For Life (Scorpius/Lily Luna, PG, Drabble)  
Title: Scarred For Life
Author: [info]sdk
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing/Characters: Scorpius/Lily Luna
Rating: PG
Length/Word Count: Drabble, 100x2
Warnings/Content: None
Summary: Lily has a strange sense of humour.
Notes: Written for [info]hp_nextgen100's prompt cup of tea. Unbeta'd so please forgive and/or point out any typos/errors. Thanks! <3
Disclaimer: The following is based on fictional characters I don't own doing fictional things in a fictional world I did not create. No copyright infringement intended.

Scarred for Life


Scorpius jolted up dislodging Lily’s head from where it had been comfortably resting on his chest. She scowled, but budged up as well, drawing the sheets over her waist.

“Don’t look so horrified, it’s funny! He’ll be scarred for life, surely.” Lily snickered, but Scorpius for the life of him could not fathom her amusement at the situation.

“Your brother walked in on us...doing things-”

“Shagging,” Lily helpfully supplied. Scorpius coloured red.

“And not only did you not stop me--us--but I’m supposed to find it amusing?” Scorpius’ voice reached a rather unattractive pitch and Lily winced.


“It isn’t all bad.” She squeezed his arm. “Not as though he stuck around to watch.”

Scorpius buried his head in his hands.

“Calm down. Have a cup of tea.”


“Yes, and while you’ve got the kettle on, bring me one too.”

“You’re bonkers if you think I’m leaving your bedroom ever again.”

Lily raised an eyebrow, but Scorpius pulled on his trousers before she could reply. He would have given in eventually anyway.

“Could have been worse,” Lily said. “It could have been my father.”

Scorpius blanched and peals of laughter followed him all the way to the kitchen.


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쉘리 I whip my hair like Bang Bang[info]sdk on February 1st, 2012 11:06 pm (UTC)
Thanks hon! Ahaha, that peephole is fun to imagine. Pervy boys!

IDK why I think hp_nextgen100 translates to Scorplily100 but, eh at least something is coming out! LOL

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