02 December 2011 @ 10:29 am
HP: Flatmates - Breakfast (Harry/Draco, Ron/Hermione; PG; Ficlet Series)  
Title: Flatmates: Breakfast (Part 2/?)
Author: [info]sdk
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing/Characters: Harry/Draco, Ron/Hermione (eventually Harry/Draco/Ron/Hermione)
Rating: PG (This part only.)
Length/Word Count: 372 words for this part.
Warnings/Content: None (This part only.)
Summary: Breakfast at Harry's was a cozy affair.
Notes: Written for [info]adventdrabbles and dedicated to the lovely [info]torino10154 who requested some Harry/Draco/Ron/Hermione an embarrassingly long time ago. Happy Christmas, bb! <3
This will be a series of 7-10 ficlets that will eventually have a christmas theme, promise! Unbeta'd, so please forgive and/or point out any mistakes/errors you find!
Disclaimer: The following is based on fictional characters I don't own doing fictional things in a fictional world I did not create. No copyright infringement intended.

Link to Part 1: Flatmates: Prologue

Flatmates: Breakfast

Breakfast on the weekends at Harry's was a cozy affair. Everyone slept in until half-eleven, then Draco would rise to find the bed empty and the smell of a fry-up wafting from the kitchen below. He'd stumble blearily out of the room wearing only Harry's robe meeting Granger and the Weasel half way to the kitchen in similar states of dress.

When they'd first started fucking--or dating, as Harry called it--Draco had learned fairly quickly that with Harry came Granger and Weasley and there was no way around it. After a few false starts and one or two bloody noses, they all learned to get along for Harry's sake (and no other reason), and if Draco made a sarcastic remark about the ever spawning gingers or Granger's inability to keep her nose out of anyone's business, it was mostly teasing nowadays. Mostly. (And not affectionately, despite what some people might claim.)

So when Draco kindly offered to teach the Weasel how to cast a proper privacy charm that morning as they all tucked in to Harry's delicious cooking, he really hadn't meant anything by it. Weasley did have the good decency to blush though, but Granger was a different story.

"Why should we? You two certainly never do."

"Yes, dear, but gay sex is infinitely hotter than straight sex."

Granger snorted and Harry smacked Draco on the shoulder for good measure. "Prat." Harry rolled his eyes. "Don't pay any attention to him. It's fine."

"It's fine? So you were all right with 'Oh Ron--no, do it like this--yes--yes--yes--YES' emanating through the bedroom wall while your cock was up my arse?"

Ron choked on the piece of toast he'd been stuffing into that gigantic mouth of his (pity he was straight, Draco had often thought, he had a mouth made for sucking cock) but Draco ignored him as Harry merely shrugged in response.

"Didn't mind."

Granger looked like the cat that ate the canary as she licked a bit of cream from her fingers. Draco slumped in his chair.

"Wanker," he mouthed, and Harry just laughed.

Link to Part 3: Flatmates: When in Doubt, Fake it

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쉘리 I whip my hair like Bang Bang: gen - golly that was fun[info]sdk on December 2nd, 2011 09:02 pm (UTC)
LOL Draco is definitely in for a few surprises. ;)

Thanks so much, bb! <3
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