12 May 2009 @ 12:20 am
AWZ: Lügen (Roman, PG-13)  
Title: Lügen
Author: [info]sdk
Fandom: Alles Was Zählt
Pairing(s)/Character(s): Roman (Implied Roman/Deniz, Roman/Randy)
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Angsty
Length/Word Count: Ficlet, 185 words
Notes: No summary because it isn't long enough for one. ;) Takes place between Roman's conversation with half naked-Deniz in ep 672 and his heated exchange with "Randy" in ep 673. Thanks to Aldi and Lil for convincing me that this doesn't suck.
Disclaimer: The following is based on fictional characters that I don't own doing fictional things in a fictional world that I didn't create. No copyright infringement intended, no money's being made.

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Roman tells himself that his fourth drink will be the one that erases the memory of Deniz from his mind--Deniz dressed in only a stupid red towel slung low on his hips, water glistening on his skin and a flush of heat across his chest. His nipples were hard, two dusty brown peaks that Roman doesn't care anything about and he wasn't looking, even if he glanced down just once, they did not make his mouth water or his fingers itch, because Deniz is just a moron, a stupid moron that Roman got over a long time ago.

And he's not the reason Roman blew off Ingo for a night out at Homolulu's or why he's scanning the crowd looking for more than just a backseat shag in a taxi, or the reason Roman rejects every blond or short man in sight.

And when Mr. tall, dark and handsome slides up beside Roman, the faintest tease of sideburns scratching Roman's cheek as he whispers low in Roman's ear, "Let's get out of here", Deniz Öztürk has absolutely nothing to do with Roman's answer, "Yes."


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Aldi[info]aldiara on May 11th, 2009 11:52 pm (UTC)
GUH! Shelly you have THE WORST JUDGEMENT about your own writing - "it sucks", my arse!! This is gorgeous and lovely and squeeful and OMG so perfect - Roman constantly convincing himself that of course he isn't looking and of course he doesn't care and of course he's long over the little tosser but ROMAN, YOU ARE NOT, WE CAN TELL.

Seriously, SO MUCH LOVE. It's such a lovely, painful little insight and OMG how much do I love the fact that even the show gives him tall dark handsome guys?? THERE IS AN ARC THERE SOMEWHERE I KNOW IT. Even if there's not, I CAN DREAM.

And guuuuh, with the scraping of the sideburns and the murmur and YOU NEED TO WRITE AN NC-17 SEQUEL TO THIS. YES YES, YOU MUST.

I love this so much, Shelly! *draws hearts all over*
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쉘리 I whip my hair like Bang Bang: awz - ingo thinks roman is sexy[info]sdk on May 12th, 2009 02:05 am (UTC)

YES 100% agreed! I'm almost stunned that they actually picked a tall dark-haired guy for Roman to bring home--RTL, I THOUGHT YOU WERE CLUELESS. YOU ARE CONFUSING ME.

Thank you, sweets. You are awesome and amazing and I LOVE THIS COMMENT. *hugs and twirls like mad*
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