08 December 2008 @ 02:54 pm
The Same Old Song (AWZ, Roman, PG)  
Title: The Same Old Song
Author: [info]sdk
Fandom: Alles Was Zählt
Pairing(s)/Character(s): Roman
Rating: PG
Length/Word Count: Ficlet, 173 words
Summary: Roman doesn't care. Really. He doesn't.

Notes: This takes place directly after Roman and Deniz's argument in this clip from ep 529 and also references the conversation between Marian and Roman in this clip in ep 306 (and this probably won't make much sense unless you've seen at least that last clip). Written for the [info]multi_fiction weekly promotion challenge's first prompt: They are broken up, but feelings remain. Coffee is never just coffee in a relationship. Mood: Melancholy. Not quite sure I hit all of those things, but this is what came out. No one looked over this before posting, so please forgive and point out any typos/errors. Thanks!
Disclaimer: The following is based on fictional characters that I don't own doing fictional things in a fictional world that I didn't create. No copyright infringement intended, no money's being made.

The Same Old Song

You can take that or you can leave it.

You know what? I think I'll leave it.

Roman walked through the streets of Essen with the argument echoing in his ears as if his pace was driving the beat of their words in a perpetual loop. It didn't matter. He didn't care. Deniz had left him a long time ago. No matter how many times fate pushed them back together--each time like a cd player skipping back to an earlier track, never letting the album end--that fact never changed.


His feet had carried him to No.7 before he'd realized it, and there was Marian coming out from behind the bar to greet him with a simple question, but one that had his brain jumping to a melody he'd almost forgotten--one that he'd tried so hard to leave behind.

But not me. Idiot that I am, I've got my heart in this. Because I care about Deniz. Because I'm in love with him.

Roman turned on his heel and fled.


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Lilith: awz-slowly[info]lilithilien on December 8th, 2008 03:22 pm (UTC)
Oh this is just heartwrenching! The description of the CD player skipping back, never letting the album end, just broke me. Absolutely perfect!

I love how you've overlaid these two scenes from such different times, one when they were fighting for each other and one when they were fighting against. And I found it so poignant too how Roman's feet just carried him back to No. 7 without him even being aware of it. Poor woobie!

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쉘리 I whip my hair like Bang Bang: awz - Roman is pretty when he pouts[info]sdk on December 8th, 2008 04:29 pm (UTC)
Thank you! I'm so glad the description of the skipping cd worked because I have to say, humbly, I really liked it myself.

When I first saw the prompt with coffee in it, I knew I had to include a throw back to the scene with Marian and I'm glad the two scenes from such disparate parts of their relationship worked for you too!

And thank you for tagging this--you're so quick. I just went to tag it myself and saw that it was already there (err..I'm assuming it was you!):D
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Aldi: Roman red nose[info]aldiara on December 9th, 2008 05:03 am (UTC)

No, srsly! He NEEDS a hug. Waaaaah :(

That was heart-breaking, Shelly! :( I totally adore the CD player analogy too, it's so apt and futile and sad and arrrgh. I love how you worked in the Marian/coffee throwback. Just the perfect stab to the heart. It's always kind of killed me to think that Marian probably felt quite badly for Roman there for a while... I mean, Marian had just started to get used to the whole thing, he'd had plenty of moments where we saw him grudgingly admire Roman and grumblingly admit to himself that he actually kinda likes the irritating, son-seducing, blabbermouthing little pouf... and then bam! Cheers for trying, Marian, but you no longer have to. (But... the ritual of the empty coffee cups! Bonding over Ikea shelves! What?) No. Fair.

Erm, got side-tracked there for a second. Anyway, this was such a lovely, sad little glimpse. Well-done, love! Oh Roman :(
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쉘리 I whip my hair like Bang Bang: awz - deniz comforts roman[info]sdk on December 9th, 2008 07:02 pm (UTC)
Thank you, hon! As I told Lil, I was happy with the cd analogy, too, so I'm glad it worked for you, too! Even if it's heartbreaking and sad. :( The whole state of their relationship here just makes me sniffle. Poor Roman! He does need hugs--lots of hugs from all of us. :(

I, too, would like to think that Marian does feel bad for Roman--I'm really glad (since I haven't seen a lot in this era) that I didn't write anything that directly contradicted canon and that Marian wasn't like, "Yay my son is straight again"--though I'm sure he had a bit of relief about that, too, until Deniz started fucking up with the models and the drugs and the prostitution. Marian's probably like, "Can you please get back with Roman now? Things were so much better then!"

Thanks again, sweetie!

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[info]sfulton229 on December 9th, 2008 09:20 pm (UTC)
Aww, nice to see Roman figure out just how deep in denial he is. Thanks for this ficlet.
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쉘리 I whip my hair like Bang Bang: awz - Deniz stares at Roman[info]sdk on December 9th, 2008 10:41 pm (UTC)
I think both Roman and Deniz are way too good at that denial thing for my sanity!

Thanks! :D
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{Johnny Angel}: zach with headphones[info]omarandjohnny on December 9th, 2008 11:39 pm (UTC)
Heartbreaking, but very lovely, darling ;)
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쉘리 I whip my hair like Bang Bang: awz - Roman is pretty when he pouts[info]sdk on December 10th, 2008 10:11 pm (UTC)
Thanks, hon! :D
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