Wednesday, May 30th, 2012

Who: Cecil, Sadie
Where: Drake's Diner and then the apartment building where Sadie and Nancy live. Dun dun duuuun.
When: Tuesday.
What: Cecil meets a young lady in the diner. Then he goes apartment hunting and runs across her again. It's not good all around.
Rating/Status: In progress.

It had been three hundred years since Cecil had eaten a proper human meal, and he found the whole experience a little weird. )
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Monday, May 28th, 2012

Who: George and Agatha.
When: Monday evening.
Where: George's hotel room.
What: George comes back with dinner and regroups with his hunting partner.
Rating: Uh. George minds himself around Agatha, so maybe PG?

Three fries in and he already had ketchup on his cheek. Hey. He was hungry. )
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Saturday, May 26th, 2012

Who: Jane and Gilly.
When: Late afternoon.
What: Jane and Gilly being socially awkward... together!
Where: Thrift shop.
Rating: G.
Status: Complete.

Gilly hadn’t been in Grey Haven long, but she was already overwhelmed by choice. )
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Monday, May 21st, 2012

Who: Rahul and Jesse.
When: Afternoon.
What: Jesse is extremely aggravated by Rahul’s assumptions.
Where: Rahul’s loft downtown.
Rating: PG.
Status: Complete.

Rahul was not making especially good progress with Jesse. )
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Sunday, May 20th, 2012

Who: Oliver Lane, OPEN
When: Early Sunday evening.
Where: Main Street, near Drake's Diner.
What: A newcomer is lost.
Rating: PGish. Probably. In progress.

Everything about Olly said 'outsider,' from the out-of-state plates on his car to the sunglasses he still wore on his nose in spite of the steady approach of twilight. )
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Saturday, May 19th, 2012

Who: CJ and Jack (NPC).
When: Late Staruday morning.
What: Jack visits CJ in the hospital.
Where: Grey Haven Hospital.
Rating: PG.
Status: Complete.

He’d come as soon as he’d heard, but they hadn’t let him in right away. )
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Thursday, May 17th, 2012

Who: Nancy, Tom.
When: Thursday evening.
Where: Nancy and Sadie's place.
What: Nancy didn't show up for work. Tom's worried.
Rating: Uhhhh. S for Serious? I'll update with details as things unfold.

That was the problem with living squarely outside of the loop: you never knew when failure to appear for work was the result of something nefarious. )
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Who: Mneme and Mitch (NPC).
When: Friday morning.
What: Mneme is looking for a job.
Where: The police department.
Rating: Low.
Status: Complete.

Read more... )
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Wednesday, May 16th, 2012

Who: Nancy and Sadie.
What: Beginning of a long, downward spiral.
When: Middle of the night, Wednesday.
Where: Their apartment; downtown.
Rating: D for drama-llama.
Status: Complete.

Do you wanna dance? Do you wanna fight? Do you wanna get drunk and stay the night? )
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Monday, May 14th, 2012

Who: Mirah, the Sherif and open!
What: Mirah makes a break from the Lodge!
Where: Downtown.
When: Monday night.
Rating: Most likely low?
Status: In Progress.

The warden threw a party in the county jail. The prison band was there and they began to wail. The band was jumpin' and the joint began to swing. You should've heard those knocked out jailbirds sing. )
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Friday, May 11th, 2012

Who: Nancy and Sadie
When: Saturday morning.
What: Nancy is allowed to move back into her apartment.
Where: Downtown.
Rating: A for ablooblooblooooo!
Status: Complete.

Read more... )
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Monday, May 7th, 2012

Who: Sadie and the unwelcome visitors (NPCs)
What: Instead of a lonely puppy, some creepy people follow Sadie home
Where: Her new apartment
When: Monday evening
Rating: PG-13ish?
Status: Complete

Stay calm and act normal. What-the-fuck-ever. )
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Sunday, May 6th, 2012

Who: CJ, Nancy, Wilbur and Jack (NPC).
When: Late Sunday evening, after Jack’s visit.
What: Jack has some Problems. Nancy and Wilbur need to be moved to a secure location.
Where: CJs home.
Rating: PG-13, language.
Status: Complete.
Jack had an immediate appreciation for Nancy’s situation the moment the women were gone. )
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