Thursday, May 17th, 2012

Who: Mneme and Mitch (NPC).
When: Friday morning.
What: Mneme is looking for a job.
Where: The police department.
Rating: Low.
Status: Complete.

Read more... )
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Who: Jaden and Wilbur
What: Disrupting harmony and male egos
Where: Grey Haven Public Library
When: Thursday evening
Rating: Let's go with high.
Status: Complete

Saviors and saints, devils and heathens alike: she'll eat you alive. )
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Wednesday, May 16th, 2012

Who: Wilbur and Mneme.
When: Early evening.
What: Wilbur talks to a girl on purpose.
Where: BAR.
Rating: R for Raciness!.
Status: Complete.

Routine was the only thing keeping Wilbur sane. )
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Monday, May 14th, 2012

Who: Wilbur and Tom
When: Late morning.
What: Wilbur needs to grab more booze for BAR, and maybe have some brochats.
Where: Reed’s Beer Barn.
Rating: PG.
Status: Complete.

Wilbur still hadn’t spoken with Nancy, and he had no intention to. )
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Saturday, May 12th, 2012

Who: Wilbur and Sadie
What: Sadie needs some answers.
Where: BAR
When: Saturday night, after-hours
Rating: PG-13ish for language and violent references
Status: Complete

Sadie was used to being 'unsettling'. It was in her blood. )
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NARRATIVE: Jack and Wilbur. )
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Thursday, May 10th, 2012

Who: Nancy and Jack Moore (NPC)
When: Friday afternoon.
What: Nancy needs time to recover after failing so badly to be helpful at all.
Where: The Lodge.
Rating: D for drama-llama (also language).
Status: Complete.

Oreos. )
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Who: Nancy, Wilbur and Cult Jerks.
When: Late Thursday evening and onwards.
What: Wilbur is done hiding, and he drags Nancy with him.
Where: Outside the Haze.
Rating: R, language, violence, disturbing situations.
Status: Complete.
[ooc: There are two violent earthquakes during the night that are rough enough to wake people up if they are sleeping.]
I got 99 problems but a cult ain’t one. )
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Tuesday, May 8th, 2012

Who: Mirah and our favorite sheriff.
What: Mirah wakes up in zip ties.
Where: The Lodge.
When: About six hours after this.
Rating: Likely low.
Status: In Progress.

Mirah flopped on the floor like a dying fish in her restraints. )
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Who: Nancy and Wilbur.
When: Early Tuesday evening.
What: Wilbur finally comes around from his tranqing, but he’s still pretty out of it.
Where: The Lodge.
Rating: probably low. haha nevermind PG13
Status: Complete.

He’d been swimming through dreams for most of the afternoon. )
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Monday, May 7th, 2012

Who: Sadie and the unwelcome visitors (NPCs)
What: Instead of a lonely puppy, some creepy people follow Sadie home
Where: Her new apartment
When: Monday evening
Rating: PG-13ish?
Status: Complete

Stay calm and act normal. What-the-fuck-ever. )
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Who: Nancy, Mitch (NPC) and stoned Wilbur.
When: Late afternoon.
What: Mitch is contemplating taking Wilbur to the station to cool off. Nancy is torn.
Where: The Lodge.
Rating: PG.
Status: Complete.

If there was anything that put Mitch in a bad mood, it was having to shoot kids. )
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Sunday, May 6th, 2012

Who: Mirah and Wilbur
When: Monday afternoon.
What: Mirah goes on an excellent adventure, minus phone booths.
Where: The Lodge.
Rating: PG-13; language and violence.
Status: Complete.

Earlier that morning, a young teenaged girl was fished from the lake. )
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Monday, May 7th, 2012

Who: Isaac & some cultists
When: Late afternoon.
What: Isaac is just doing some yardwork and feeling his many feelings when some cultists drop in.
Where: Lakeside Inn Bed & Breakfast.
Rating: C for Creepin’.
Status: Complete.

He was feeling optimistic. )
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Who: Nancy and Wilbur.
When: Monday morning, after they learn about the cultists and their sinister plot.
What: Trying to find some normalcy.
Where: The Lodge.
Rating: PG-13, language, reckless abandonment of pants.
Status: Complete.
Wilbur hadn’t meant to sleep, but he’d dozed off on the plush couch that faced the fireplace in the Lodge. )
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Sunday, May 6th, 2012

Who: CJ, Nancy, Wilbur and Jack (NPC).
When: Late Sunday evening, after Jack’s visit.
What: Jack has some Problems. Nancy and Wilbur need to be moved to a secure location.
Where: CJs home.
Rating: PG-13, language.
Status: Complete.
Jack had an immediate appreciation for Nancy’s situation the moment the women were gone. )
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NARRATIVE: Jack Moore has some unpleasant visitors. )
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Who: Isaac and Sadie.
When: Midday, while Sadie is on break.
What: Isaac wants to check in with Sadie and get her up to speed.
Where: Drake’s Diner.
Rating: G.
Status: Complete.

It had been a harrowing few days. )
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Saturday, May 5th, 2012

Who: Isaac and Elisa.
When: Evening.
What: Elisa is ready to talk.
Where: Lakeside Inn Bed & Breakfast. The shed.
Rating: D for Diabetes.
Status: Complete.

Isaac hadn’t known what to feel at first, when Elisa had thrown him out. )
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Friday, May 4th, 2012

Who: Elisa and Jack (NPC)
What: Elisa's pissed
When: Afternoon
Where: Grey Haven Media
Rating: TBD
Status: Complete

You knew, didn't you? )
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