
How do you achieve clear and crisp? @ 05:00 pm


OMG *looks around nervously* - I don't see any previous posts here other than [info]brianslave68's Welcome post.

Well, ok, I'll go first.

I was admiring [info]maxymama's lovely new summer banner today, and the discussion turned to graphics software and all the things it can do. Rather than reiterate the discussion here, I'll just point you over there: Over there

I'm a novice, just beginning to learn GIMP. And I don't really expect to learn to fly before I can walk. However, when I see icons like this one *points up to icon* by [info]brianslave68, I am - well, blown away by how beautiful it is, but beyond that, I'm flummoxed as to where you begin to learn how to make the image so crisp.
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