next door to happiness lives sorrow - September 22nd, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Gotham Knights, a roleplaying game.

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September 22nd, 2008

narrative: the old razzle dazzle [Sep. 22nd, 2008|08:43 pm]



[backdated to opening night]

It had been a long time since Zatanna had been in Gotham, or in touch with certain people who frequented the city. Well, actually, that depended on what your measure for a long time was. All in all it had been roughly a year since she packed it in, said goodbye to the stage, goodbye to the JLA, and disappeared into the hulking mass of everyday people for a little introspection and a whole lot of brooding. Granted, the course of action had been a little dramatic, but Zee practically had drama flowing in her veins, so in a way it was all fitting. Besides, as much as she hated to admit it, she'd been slipping. For the first time in her life her powers had become unreliable. On the stage she was able to cover it, compensate in other ways, but the same couldn't have been said for other areas of her life.

So for a while, she'd gone back to normal life. But honestly, normal life was boring and just- not right for her. There were people who were meant to be a part of the everyday and then there were people who were meant to be more, who were meant, no required, to do more by whatever twists and turns fate had seen fit to take. All the worlds a stage, all the men and women merely players. A reasonable analogy for someone who'd seen the world in terms of theatrics their entire life, but it was unendingly true and still applicable. Everyone had their role to fill, their part to play, and some just got dealt a simpler hand than others. Carrying out your role wasn't always easy, as some were written in tragedy, others comedy. Most were a mix of the two that never entirely worked quite as well as it should, never seemed to even out quite as much as you'd hoped. It had taken Zatanna the majority of her life to come to terms with that, to really accept it and understand. She'd tried to before and had somehow come up lacking, despite all her best intentions, as well as her father's. Giovanni always had the faith in his daughter she hadn't always had in herself, and it had taken another foray into his life and legacy to make her realize just how far that had gone in both directions. And to make her realize that it was time for her to live up to it all, not to mention the fact that she was far more capable of doing so than she'd thought. She finally got it, or at least she was pretty damn sure she did. So it had been time to go back to it all and slowly but surely, she was. Maybe this time it would stick if she did it one step at a time.

The house lights dimmed, and the announcer went through his spiel of an introduction, accompanied with appropriately anticipation building music. There was the sudden impulse to talk to Marty about changing it now though. Somehow Gotham just called for a little something extra special. And there was her cue. Fingers touching the brim of her top hat, there was a distinct sparkle in Zatanna's eye as she spoke. "Gib ecnartne!" Appearing onstage to wave of applause never got old, and always gave her that extra little boost. "Good Evening Gotham City! I know you missed me! And boy have I ever missed you!"
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