Gays of Our Lives - AWZ Style!

October 2010


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March 28th, 2010



GOOL Sunday


Hi folks!

Thought it only right we do a final hello from GOOL!  I know, I know - we didn't tell you anything about the party last night but it was a party so there was drinking, dancing and sore throats from trying to shout over the music (oh, what - sitting directly in front of the speakers is a bad idea? hmmm....okay I'll accept that!).  And hey...we've seen the video of the guys on EKP - you can see what it's like for yourself!

So today was the goodbye brunch.  Breakfast it's self was....the most food many of us have eaten since we arrived.  (seriously, the GooL diet is the best!)  There were some final fund raising and giving of gifts to the boys (the Eskimo hordes love their actors!) and goodbyes.  

As any who watched the most recent EKP vid will know there was some filming that a few of us got to mill about in the background of and yes that was FANTASTIC.  Of course when the time comes for you to see an episode there will be much chatter about it but we don't have details - we heard 'Igor' and "male function' and just complied.  And as you can imagine, it ended in a big woobie pile of goodbyes.

But darlings I won't talk about that in any detail because every one's story is different and it's up to them if they want to share it with you, today was a big squeey sob fest and fantastic!  

So yes - Euro Eskimo 2011 just don't book your flights yet!

And as always - Eskimos Rock!!!




Initial post-GOOL reaction

Things I learned at Gays of Our Lives:

[info]aldiara, [info]lilithilien, and [info]sdk are the most lovely, amazing, kind, beautiful people EVAR. Thank you, ladies, not only for helping to organize this event, but for making every Eskimo feel like family (whether they could be in NY or not). So much love, you guys.

The Eskimo Whores are the sparkliest, sweetest, funniest, and most awesome group of people I've ever been lucky enough to meet. I love you guys! Special love to my roomie, wing-wrangler, and overall partner at the event, [info]tree1970.

I think it was Shelly who, when describing the Trio's visit to Fictional Essen, dubbed Igor as "a ball of adorkable energy" or something along those lines. YOU GUYS, SHE'S SO RIGHT! My first chat with the boy, I don't believe he stopped bouncing (like, literally bouncing) for 10 minutes. Then there was the practicing of his New York accent (which was shockingly good), and the saying of FUCK quite loudly over and over (just for fun), and the accusing me of doping because I was smoking a clove... the list goes on and on. He also happens to be incredibly sweet and gracious and infinitely patient with the endless pictures and autographs, and his English is awesome for someone who rarely speaks it. And because I am shallow, I have to add that he is beeeeeoooooteeeeful.

Oh, Dennis. Dennis, Dennis, Dennis. Dennis is the sweetest person alive. Hands-down. Yes, he is geeeeeorrrrjussss, like, OMG. He is also pure heart, and frankly, he'll be taking mine with him back to Cologne. I don't even have the words to describe how completely lovely he is. Oh, did I mention that I noserubbed him? 'Cause I did, and it was GLORIOUS.

Everyone else was awesome as well, and I managed to get at least a picture, if not have a conversation, with each of them. This event was absolute magic, and I am sooooooooooooo glad I decided to risk bankruptcy to make it there. To say it was worth every penny is an understatement. This was quite simply one of the best weekends of my life.

Woobie!Melanie is woobie. I didn't really cry when saying goodbye to everyone. Then my plane started to taxi away from the terminal at LaGuardia and it suddenly hit me that it was over, and I spent half the flight trying not to look like a crazy person as I randomly started sniffling and leaking from the eyes. I'm still wibbly.

Ok, I'll have a lot more details in some sort of coherent order later (as, I'm sure, will everyone else). Not to mention OODLES of pictures (mostly taken by Tree). Thanks again, EVERYONE, for making this weekend so indescribably wonderful.

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