Gays of Our Lives - AWZ Style!

October 2010


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March 26th, 2010



Too Sparkly to Hide

So it's one day into the GooL experience and I've already giggled so much mu throat is starting to hurt.  But here's the news so far...

Wildepet has suffered terribly at the injustice of the airplane community and anything that involves passing from one country to another.  Cancelled flights, bad chairs and problematic ESTAs... (seriously USA - shall we discuss the ESTA?!!!!)  And we shall mention nothing of the grumpy man who sat beside me and would not swap with her! *grrr* 

My addiction to writing knows no limits - even being trapped in a plane, 38,000 feet above the ground with no internet and a grumpy guy in the chair beside me will not stop me from writing fanfic.  And come 4am I get really chirpy...I even annoyed myself!

We met Lil and Aldi who yes, yes they are surrounded by a cloud of brilliant sparkles!  People stop in the street to comment on it! Shelly has been sparkly by proxy with all the super work on the NHLB party - yes, we all sat in our fancy New York hotel room, forgot to think about what to wear tonight and felt SAD that we were not getting to enjoy the online party.  
We immediately SLAPPED ourselves of course (frankly a few people got over enthusiastic with the slapping, naming no names  *cough* AmyriadfthINGs *cough*)

We met Inga who was oddly quiet at first - of course a few cups of coffee later and she's the bouncy, fabulous person who we all know and love.  She has made us all cry with her tale of woe, missing Ana and the sheer, confusion that is the JFK AirTrain (again WTF).

And can you believe it - RedCouchAddict has RL friends!  I don't know what these are but they intruige me.  She is also adorable and travel size!!!  Yers, this is the vidding genius you can put in your pocket and take with you everywhere (and you want to don't you!).

So now we are refreshing the YT video with nervousness - wondering if people think we are crazy and when exactly the men are coming to take us to the Home for Insane Eskimos. (oh dear, I mentioned men...excuse us for a while)

The real squees will follow soon :)