Goldwyn-Mayer's Journal [entries|friends|calendar]

Ars Gratia Artis art for art's sake
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DISCLAIMER [July 19th, 2010]

This is a fictional community. All of the characters here are not real celebrities, but all of the movies are real movies. These people did not star in them under the roles listed. They also did not star in the television shows that are listed here. The only reason the actual shows and movies are listed here is to create a sense of reality that those movies and shows are done by the fictional stars and not the amazing actors and actresses who are actually in them. None of this is real and we mean no harm whatsoever.

Obviously this is not an original concept and there have been communities much like this one in the past and in the present. This is not to take away from any of those communities or any of the people in them.

If you have any other ideas that any of the people are real here I advise you to go here. Even though our characters here are not real celebrities, I still feel this is a valid disclaimer even for this alternate universe community.

Also, all of the information found about the movies and television shows listed in this journal can be found at The Internet Movie Database.
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