Posts Tagged: 'character:+godric+dayne'

Sep. 20th, 2017



Captain's Log #2

When: September 20th, early morning

Okay. Forging for myself is well and good. I've been putting those survival classes the Garrison had us go through to good use, but uh I'm getting sick and tired of just vegetables. Obviously the food 'provided' for our...companions.

Yes Blue I called you a companion shut up.

Obviously the food 'provided' for our companion creature things is not edible for human or whatever each of us actually are consumption. Any 'prayers' for food for ourselves have yielded nothing, according to Michelle which means we're all crowed.

Since no one is putting this out there I guess we need to galvanize or something. We're all stuck here until someone either pulls us out or, well we're all stuck here for the foreseeable future. Best make the most of it right?

I know I said I'm good with care of animals. I've been taking care of a cow named Kaltenecker myself for a good few movement cycles and I've handed some livestock back home. I'm also a good shot. We're surrounded by darkness and horrifying creatures according to Viktor I think? And Yuuri, I believe? So we need some sort of defense set up in case. I don't trust this protection. Protections fail.

I can work defense too if we need it.

If I can get a gun.

We need to work and make a job board or something. Put together our skills. Have a meeting of everyone where. I think there's some sort of town hall, right? We should gather together. Talk about all of this. Greeting each other is good in words, but face to face is better you know? You can judge a person better than just words if you see their face.

So. Meeting anyone?

Lance signing out.