July 14th, 2015



teen wolf spoilers in comments

Went to do some shopping only to find out that there's a television show about our lives.



[No Subject]

Son of a bitch.

Locked to Hill, Romanoff, & Banner.

Yeah. I understand now.

Banner, get to my house ASAP. I need someone of your skillset to help me figure out how to make this suit without a battery stuck in my chest.




I died, didn't I?



[No Subject]

My god, 21st century painkillers suck.



[No Subject]

backdated to Monday

Hi Harry - I'm sorry I haven't reached out until now, but I know James and Lily spoke with you over the weekend, and I didn't want to overwhelm you. James - your father - he's arrived in the meantime, as well, so now we're all here.

[ ... ] Harry, I'm so sorry. There aren't enough ways to say it, or any way to undo all those years you had without us, but if you're at all willing, I would cherish the chance to get to know you now. I've been sick thinking of you without us, in a bloody cupboard no less but I hope you'll let me get to know you now.

I don't know how anyone survives in this heat. If you, like me, are the palest brand of pale that is so overwhelmingly hot that you want to sit in a tub of ice for the day instead of functioning, then I'll happily help. I've been making little magical cooling packs. You just rub it on your wrist and you'll stay cool for hours on end. It's also pretty good at preventing sunburn, but I wouldn't encourage you not to use something with an SPF in it after reading all about the horrors of the hole in the ozone layer. That wasn't there in my day! [ ... ] Actually, it probably was, but it's the first I'm hearing of it.