Glitter Gulch In Character

August 2015


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Aug. 9th, 2015



[No Subject]

Who: Christian Ozera and Lissa Dragomir.
When: July 5th, shortly after this.
Where: Their hotel room.
What: Exes sharing a hotel room. This should be nice and awkward.
Rating: TBA. Language?
Status: Complete.

--- )

Jul. 29th, 2015



[No Subject]

Thank you to all who greeted me on arrival. I very much appreciated what you have done. I admit all of this is a rather interesting situation though isn't it? I'm still not quite sure what to make of it.

Jul. 24th, 2015



; to pepper potts

[ text ] I need to talk to you, Pep. ASAP.

Jul. 20th, 2015



[No Subject]

Are you two up for dinner tonight? We can order in or try to cook all together. And no, James, your cook doesn't count as part of family night.
So tell me that it's only me that's been able to make books fly across the room the last few days.

Jul. 19th, 2015



netpost : rose hathaway

It's Lissa's birthday and we're having a party!

Everyone's invited, even if we haven't really had the chance to get to know each other, yet. [insert location here because Lena is too lazy to look shit up], 7pm.

Happy birthday, Liss. How does it feel to officially be an adult?

Jul. 17th, 2015



[No Subject]

The inability to sleep is a small price to pay to avoid ridiculous nightmares.

Who kills a man with a shield, anyway?

Jul. 15th, 2015



[No Subject]

Well this is a most interesting and strange situation to find myself in. I've gathered all the information I can but I still find myself in disbelief at the situation. Not only have I traversed time but I supposedly have traversed dimensions as well Still it could be much worse of a situation.

I do suppose I should introduce myself. I'm Agent Peggy Carter. For me it was the year 1946.



Filtered to Maria Hill

We have a common enemy here Hill. Lets talk about how we see that playing out

Jul. 14th, 2015




I died, didn't I?



[No Subject]

My god, 21st century painkillers suck.



[No Subject]

Son of a bitch.

Locked to Hill, Romanoff, & Banner.

Yeah. I understand now.

Banner, get to my house ASAP. I need someone of your skillset to help me figure out how to make this suit without a battery stuck in my chest.



[No Subject]

backdated to Monday

Hi Harry - I'm sorry I haven't reached out until now, but I know James and Lily spoke with you over the weekend, and I didn't want to overwhelm you. James - your father - he's arrived in the meantime, as well, so now we're all here.

[ ... ] Harry, I'm so sorry. There aren't enough ways to say it, or any way to undo all those years you had without us, but if you're at all willing, I would cherish the chance to get to know you now. I've been sick thinking of you without us, in a bloody cupboard no less but I hope you'll let me get to know you now.

I don't know how anyone survives in this heat. If you, like me, are the palest brand of pale that is so overwhelmingly hot that you want to sit in a tub of ice for the day instead of functioning, then I'll happily help. I've been making little magical cooling packs. You just rub it on your wrist and you'll stay cool for hours on end. It's also pretty good at preventing sunburn, but I wouldn't encourage you not to use something with an SPF in it after reading all about the horrors of the hole in the ozone layer. That wasn't there in my day! [ ... ] Actually, it probably was, but it's the first I'm hearing of it.



teen wolf spoilers in comments

Went to do some shopping only to find out that there's a television show about our lives.

Jul. 13th, 2015



[No Subject]

Who: Darcy Lewis and Loki
What: Eating waffles and sass.
When: The other day.
Where: Vickie's Diner
Rating: PG?
Status: Incomplete

This was going to end with her death or a new best friend. )

Jul. 12th, 2015



[No Subject]

Never change, Vegas. You're kind of crazy, but I think I like it.



[No Subject]

Has anyone else tried calling home? Getting a hold of anyone they know outside of Las Vegas?

Katie and I have tried calling everyone, even the people we know in the states. Either the phones are disconnected, or the people at the other end of the line are not the people we know. What makes it even more bloody weird is that our house doesn't exist, the one we both grew up in. I tried looking it up on google maps. The street isn't even there!

I'm beginning to think we're all stuck here.



[No Subject]

You know, fighting dirty is vastly underrated.



[No Subject]

SO I WOKE UP AND IT WAS SO GREAT BECAUSE I WAS GETTING READY TO HAVE A PARTY which as you know is for the anniversary of the day Twilight Sparkle I mean PRINCESS Twilight Sparkle came to Ponyville but then something weird happened and I fell asleep while I was waiting for the cupcakes at the Cakes' bakery which is SO WEIRD because I mean come on it wasn't even noon yet and I had six cupcakes before that so I was pretty awake but then I wasn't and then I woke up here! Everything is so bright and shiny and EVERYONE IN THIS TOWN LIKES TO P A R T Y!!!

So hi I'm Pinkie Pie and I'm here to make you all SMILE!!



[No Subject]

So. Guessing I'm the only lucky bastard from Gotham, huh?




[No Subject]

Weird nightmares, weird people... just another weekend in Las Vegas. Honestly, you live here long enough, you get used to it.