Jun. 19th, 2010


RP: Jesse and Rachel

WHO: Jesse and Rachel
WHEN: June 15th, late afternoon
WHERE: Carmel HS
WHY: Vocal Adrenaline is practicing and Rachel is spying

I could do this routine in my sleep )

Jun. 16th, 2010


RP: Sue, Santana, Brittany

WHO: Sue, Santana, and Brittany
WHEN: June 11th (after school)
WHERE: Sue's office
WHY: Santana and Brittany have been assigned to keep tabs on the glee kids over the summer.

this better be important I'm polishing my trophies )

Jun. 15th, 2010


RP: Glee Club

WHO: All the Glee Kids + Will
WHEN: June 11th (last day of school, 3:30 p.m.)
WHERE: Glee Club Practice Room
WHY: Through some very tempting notes, each of the kids was lured to the chorus room with a false understanding why they're here.

Aww hell naw )

Jun. 12th, 2010


RP: Will, Rachel, Finn

WHO: Will, Rachel, Finn
WHEN: June 11th (last day of school, 3 p.m.)
WHERE: Will's Spanish classroom
WHY: Rachel has summer plans. Finn's a reluctant ally.

Really Rachel? It's been six hours )