GLBT - June 28th, 2004

About June 28th, 2004

Gift of inspiration to you.... 04:50 pm
I was looking through the quotes I got through the email from and after about 12 pages I compiled a small list for you all. The entire list can be seen on my journal.

Out of your vulnerabilities will come your strength.
Sigmund Freud

The only way to find the limits of the possible is by going beyond them to the impossible.

- Arthur C. Clarke

If you hear a voice within you say 'you cannot paint,' then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced.

- Vincent Van Gogh

We all move on the fringes of eternity and are sometimes granted vistas through the fabric of illusion.

- Ansel Adams

It is a curious thought, but it is only when you see people looking ridiculous that you realize just how much you love them.

- Agatha Christie

There ya go

Current Mood: enthralled
Current Music: Brand New ~ The quiet things no one ever knows

Hey 05:46 pm
Hello, I'm Sean and just joined here.
Hm. About myself.
Like any of you care, but I shall tell you anyway ^__^ be proud.

My Name is Sean if you missed that, I'm 19, Irish, Pothead, Heavy drinker, Bi, In love with a man named Joel, Black Hair, hazel-y green eyes, favorite color is black/green/red (But I hate christmas bleck) Love sharp and pointy objects, I love the sight of blood, I am a traveling artist, and I love Kangaroos they make my smile ^__^

That tis all. I hope I'm welcomed.
Current Mood: lazy

07:26 pm
Well, through a friend's journal, I found 12 reasons Gay's should not marry. it enraged me, and I decided to right counter strikes to every statement. HOWEVER, reading thoroughly, it came to my attention this was most likely not from our country due to the fact that "weomen are property, blacks can not marry whites, divorce is illigal, and single parents may not have a child" Is said throughout this.

Yet, talking to a bi friend about these staements, she was exceedingly pissed off, and decided to write a counterstrike for one statment. She brought on a wonderful poitn and I thought I might share it with you wonderful people.

Gay marriage will change the foundation of society. Heterosexual marriage has been around for a long time, and we could never adapt to new social norms because we haven't adapted to things like cars or longer lifespans.
counterstrike: Gay marriage is not a completely new concept. There are thousands of married, gay couples out there. This would not be some new social norm. This HAS been done before. "Adapting" to this, as you say, would not take thousands of years, like you seem to think it might be. And if we haven't adapted to cars, then why is it that the polution from these "cars" that you drive doesn't kill us immediately? Our bodies have adapted to cars, very much so indeed. If someone took all the cars, what do you think would happen? We wouldn't really be able to go anywhere, now would we? And for another piece of information, the average human life-span is actually increasing. Maybe not steadily, maybe not drastically, but it IS increasing.

Yes, she wrote every word of that. An angry Lauren does not suit for a happy one.

Note that this statement was one of the reasons I do not want to post my counterstrikes, because they deal within the US. I will, however, post all of the reasons. And, a warning, it may just royaly PISS YOU OFF. =)

Click to read the 12 reasons... )
Current Mood: pissed off
Current Music: G unit- Stunt 101

I post! 09:38 pm
Heres a real post not introducing myself :)

Tomarrow, I get to see him. Joel. The guy I've been liking more and more each day. I'm so happy, yet so nervous. Since I think he's, well, straight, but I'm not to sure. I'm thinking about telling him my feelings and asking him out, but I don't know how and if its the best idea. Any suggestions?

I'm looking for new friends by the way, feel free to add me.
Current Mood: Nervous
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