GLBT - June 27th, 2004

About June 27th, 2004

09:33 pm
'lo! ^^;

I'm Liz, 13, and I live in San Diego. Recently, the homosexual marriage has caught my eye and inclined on my interests. I have found that not only I am very for gay-marriages, but also am for any other same sex ordeals.

As a kid, you often see through a child's eyes. You want to be the same as your friends, and usualy use their opinions as your own. However, growing older, you see you need to make your own opinions, and make them work. You have to get your voice out, and make sure people listen.

So, here I am. I'm sick of the human race judging people just because someone else is different, and being so narrow minded just because other people use other things to make themselves happier.

As a Catholic, the church sees the gay-marriage as wrong and sinfull. Thus creating my attention Catholisism wasn't for me- and now I try and get my voice out to people that homosexuality is an ok thing and need'nt be so shameful. You that are homosexual are treated wrongly, and I apologize to you for that.

Tell you the truth, it makes me smile to see two guys/two chicks holding hands. It shows they are not scared of what other people and their opinions say. The people that tease others because of their difference have their heads shoved too far up their asses, and need a life.

For now, tis all. Godspeed. ^_^

<333! ~Liz
Current Mood: bored
Current Music: Story of the Year- Anthem of Our Dying Day/Seether- Broken
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