Feb. 14th, 2012


Who: Voldy and Bellatrix
When: Evening
Where: Their room
What: Celebration, bitches! Mwahahaha. XD


Voldemort was beyond pleased. He knew Potter had been bitten. The poison would do therest. His enemy would die at last. But very slowly. Painfully. An added bonus, maybe Harry would even kill himself to stop it, either way he had now won. He felt the pain as nagini was killed. It was an unfortunate outcome. But oh well, at least harry Potter's end was near, so that made it worth it. And he had also killed a guest claiming to be Rick James (the guest was white, which was odd) and called him a bitch, but before the fool was about to slap him, the Dark Lord ended his life swiftly. But now he had called Bella and asked her to jon him in celebration. This would be a night to remember.