29 August 2008 @ 11:46 pm
First posted on LJ: 2007-02-03  
Title: A different kind of pain
Fandom: Leaf Society RP
Pairing: Gaara/Sakura
Words: 154
Notes: Some light implications of sex.
Spoilers: N/A
Disclaimer: The characters are not mine, they belong to their creator.
Author's Note: Inspired by THIS song.

"Please just give me one night – one night to show you how I feel." His voice had a desperate edge to it, as if he couldn't hold back the emotions anymore. He was tired of fighting and this was his one chance to show her why she should have chosen him.

Her eyes seemed to mirror his desperation. They shouldn't, they both had someone, but they couldn't stand it anymore – they had to touch, had to taste each other once again.

Instead of answering him she put her arms around his neck and kissed him deeply. "Just for tonight."

As she woke up the next morning she knew right away that what she had done was wrong but looking down at him with a small smile on her lips she found that she could never regret this. Lightly she stroke some hair away from his cheek while speaking quietly. "Maybe just one more night..."
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Lady of the Night: [Kimi wa Petto LA] Takeshi/Sumire heart[info]nimore on August 29th, 2008 06:03 pm (UTC)
Hahaha. Poor Kakashi... *pets him* I'm sure Anko wouldn't mind comforting him though. XD

XD You're so...so very much you. *pats on the head*

Maybe just a little bit.
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Deadly Belladonna: [Anime] I vote porn[info]madargon on August 29th, 2008 06:15 pm (UTC)
. . . DON'T get her started... >_<

Well, yeah? Who else would I be XD
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