The Gilded Court : A Harry Potter AU Game's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
The Gilded Court : A Harry Potter AU Game

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[17 Jan 2014|12:22am]
Who: Father McLaggan and Prince Marcus Flint
When: Thursday, January 16 - morning
Where: Marcus' rooms, Irish palace
Summary: A priest always comes when summoned
Rating: With a priest involved? Definitely SFW
Status: Closed / Ongoing

How did you get into the church? Was it like, Collect twelve crisp packets and become a priest? )

[17 Jan 2014|01:09am]
Who: Father McLaggan and the Lady Parkinson
When: Thursday, January 16 - late evening
Where: Pansy's private parlor, Irish palace
Summary: Confessions
Rating: With a priest involved? Definitely SFW
Status: Closed / Ongoing

For you have stumbled because of your iniquity )

[ viewing | January 17th, 2014 ]
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