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Golden Gate Storylines
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[06/02/16 @ 10p]

Alright looking for some lines for this guy here. This is Kole Van Dyke and all I really have on him so far is that he is a tattoo artist that also does kickboxing. He does know some people in the city like Colin because they go to the same gym. And those that he has tattooed and/or other tattoo artists in the area. He does have some lines taken but there are quiet a few that are still open. If you are interested then just let me know.
9 C

[06/01/16 @ 10p]

Slinking in here once again with Charlotte Winchester. I have absolutely nothing on her other than she's Colin's sister's best friend. Will work on her tomorrow along with all the replies I owe. Sorry Londin!
8 C

[05/06/16 @ 6p]

Hey all!

I am considering bringing in Amanda here into the game, I was just wondering if anyone could use her. She is 18 years old, she is originally from New York, but ran away from home (reasons tba later).

Her name used to be Penelope, but she changed it to Penny Ante while she was on the run.

Please let me know if anyone could use her, I would love to join
16 C

[03/30/16 @ 2p]

So since I dropped Vali, I've been wanting to get deeper into the Gentry family so here we are. Meet the youngest of the three brothers, Adien. Might change the spelling but that's neither here nor there. He's kind of a puppy. Very 'heart on my sleeve' kind of guy. I'm thinking he's a pastry chef. (Yes, all the brothers are in the business, I noticed it too.)

He'll be coming up here to bug Ben for a job.

If he interests anyone for anything, let me know!
11 C

[03/14/16 @ 12p]

Hello! Lauren here with my second gal. This here is Gwen Walker and she is not only a yoga instructor but my party girl.

She teaches yoga, aerobics, and generally just helps out at her brother Eddie's gym. (He'll be joining the game soon)

Gwen has lived in San Francisco all her life (except College) with her 3 younger brothers and parents. She needs friends, clients, and maybe someone to romance her.

Throw some lines at me and we'll work something out :)
10 C

[03/01/16 @ 7p]

Hello all! This lovely here, and prettiest of all the Vallances, is Liosaidh 'Lizzie' Vallance. She's 25, fifth born of the Vallance clan, younger of the two sisters, and teaches kindergarten. She's got the obvious lines, but I would love to get more established with her. You can find out more about her on her journal.
38 C

[02/28/16 @ 3p]

Hello all! Brooke here with Stella here. She's Darren Lockwood's sister who is new to San Francisco. She works for Tripadvisor, so she travels for work often, but loves her new home in SF to be closer to her brother and nephew. I do want to get her more storylines, though! Friends, friends with benefits (possibly), whatever. Other than her storyline as Darren's sister and all that, she would love something else. Check her bio and see if you're interested. She really is lovely and sweet.
2 C

[02/20/16 @ 7p]

....I did a thing.

This is Valerie Kirkland, burlesque dancer over at Club Sapphire and a lover of Rockabilly. She's very friendly, girly and loves to be affectionate to people she likes. She's kind of the female version of Ben minus the very male part. I'm still writing her out, getting her personality the way I like but I'll throw her out here for line wants. I'm thinking she's bi-sexual leaning towards men.
2 C

[02/20/16 @ 5p]

Hello all! Lauren here and I bring you Cali Finn. She currently works at Balboa High School as a guidance counselor. Cali is a divorced gal from the east coast. She has no kids of her own, a bit of a sad story, but she loves to travel and make new friends! She has been living in San Francisco for about 3 years. [info]eanraig is her neighbor and friend. Cali is single and open for any lines you want to throw at her.

Can't wait to chat with you all!
26 C

[02/13/16 @ 9p]

Heather is ded.
Paris has risen.

No seriously. Heather found yet another muse, last one for this game. So far, all I got is this is Paris Mitchell. Yes, as in Tiarnan's little sister brother. Haven't picked an age but probably early twenties, 21/22. MUA or costumer or painter. Thinking maybe a little of all three. He'll be doing a lot of his own makeup and often changes hair color and wears contacts.

Will be transgender FtM waiting to get approval for hormone treatment and will be living in the Castro on his own. She identifies as male and the only ones that know he's still physically a woman will be his brother and a few of his friends.

He'll be a lot more serious than Venette, less of a bubble of joy but still happy. Very into bands like the Cure, Depeche Mode and Sisters of Mercy.

He'll be brand spankin' new to San Fran.
91 C

[02/09/16 @ 11a]

Hey, hey, hey! This is Emily and now that she's finally in game, I figured it was time for a proper introduction and plea for all the stuff and all the things (or thangs, your choice). Emily is 39, married to [info]degarmeaux, originally from New Orleans, raised from the age of eleven on in New York, and an art historian. She works as a curator in some museum I haven't decided on yet (maybe in a gallery) and I'm thinking she does some part time teaching here and there considering she spent a lot of time in lectures and seminars teaching while working on her dissertation. She could use friends and fellow art lovers and caffeine addict friends and pretty much anything you might have to offer. She's beyond friendly, loves David Bowie, enjoys cooking, and is one of those people who loves sleep but can never go to bed early. So let's make magic.
16 C

New Character?? [02/02/16 @ 1p]

Okay, so I'm kind of wanting to bring in a new character. BUT before I make a journal or pick a face, is there ANYTHING anyone needs? I will warn you that I'm absolute SHIT at playing guys. I don't know what it is, but I can just NEVER get into it and then I usually make them be overly douche-baggy to where I then absolutely hate them.

Anyways, are there faces that y'all want to see or lines you need filled? Bueller? BUELLER?!?!
5 C

Stop tempting, I'm almost at the limit. [01/30/16 @ 6p]

Since everyone is bringing back old characters and such....

Darren Lockwood. Club owner, homoflexible, dark and brooding. Dead wife and parents but a son in his late twenties from marriage. Recently from London, maybe a year or so. (No, not you Londin, sit back down.) He's just bought a club here but not sure exactly what kind yet. Night mostly but the theme is in the air. He and his brothers don't get along, hence why he left England.

Also, he's kind of a dick. A big one.
So there's finally that in my corner.
10 C

Heather, no... [01/25/16 @ 1p]

I know I said only one more but there is always another!
I'm bringing in this guy here and I'm looking for flings, girls and boys open for this, his other brother, people that work in 'his' kitchen (he's a exec. chef) or friends. Don't really have anything on him right now since I'm reworking him so he's a open book.
32 C

[01/24/16 @ 11p]

Why, hello! This is Leo and I don't have much of anything planned for him at the moment. I would love to snag him a storyline or two (or three or four) before I start hashing out his bio. Anyone need a little brother or anything along those lines?
18 C

[01/24/16 @ 10p]

Hello, lovelies! This is Brooke ( [info]kateevans ) & I'm wanting to bring this Margot Robbie character in. I have to work on her bio a bit since it's a mess right now & I want it to look prettier. Most of her facts will be the same for the most part, but she's a pretty clean slate as far as lines and whatnot goes. If anyone is needing a roommate, co-worker, whatever...let me know if there is something specific!!
37 C

[01/24/16 @ 8p]

Hello all!

So I just apped this broody musician and was hoping for some lines. I don't really have anything specific so really anything goes! A little about him, he's got a bit of a rocky past which has lead him to be a little closed off from people however, once he does let someone in they are in for life and he will be the kindest, most loyal and protective friend ever. He grew up in Texas so he's the southern gentleman type, recently lived in LA for a little while working on a record deal before he was screwed over causing him to quit and do his own little tour living out of his car. He's been in San Fran for a few months, working as a bartender and doing as many open mics as he can find.

Let me know if he fits anything you guys may be looking for or, if you have any line ideas, I'm totally open to anything/everything!
10 C

[01/24/16 @ 6p]

Hello everyone! I just applied Daisy Ridley here. Her name is Kat and she's a graphic artist that works at an advertising agency. I had a few people comment on [info]pbads telling me to come here, so if anyone is interested in some lines with her, let me know. She loves playing video games, movies and is obsessed with music & Batman. She loves to have fun and laugh. She has sort of a fear of committment due to a past relationship, but she's confident that she can somehow find the Jim Halpert to her Pam Beesley.
30 C

[01/19/16 @ 9p]

I missed playing the men so much I decided to bring one more character.

Here is Colin Stokes, hair stylist extraordinaire. He's playful and friendly but other than that and the fact he's deep in the closet (in San Fran, I know), I have nothing on him yet. Lines welcome!
11 C

[01/13/16 @ 9p]

Hey everyone! I'm going to be bringing this guy in here. He in the older brother to Venette and goes by the name Londin. He is a bartender the lives with his little sister near china town. He is protective of her, but not as much as he probably could be. He can come off as a bit of a ladies man at work since he tends to flirt with all of them, but that doesn't mean he is like that outside of work. As for lines he kind of needs anything and everything. He isn't in game yet, but I'm hoping to get him in as soon as he's all finished.
12 C

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