The Genome Project: OOC's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
The Genome Project: OOC

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[27 Jul 2012|10:55am]
So my internet has been epic failure while here. I've only been able to get on for brief spurts here and there, but I'll be back home tomorrow. :D

I'm planning on putting up threads for Alfie and Gemma, and if we want to do some backdated stuff for Alfie and Laney. I've also got Jacen, Nora and Ethan for anyone who wants them. Not sure if the internet is going to hold up, but I can get emails on my phone. So, if you want to go ahead and post something, I'll reply as soon as I can.

Vacation has been going great!
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[27 Jul 2012|06:31pm]
So...I had a fun past couple of days. First off I had to drive my dad to his eye surgery. And he likes to drive to the place and so he was my car and guess what happened. We got in an my car...while he was driving. I have never even gotten a ticket so that was my first accident. I'm is my dad, it wasn't that serious but my car is looking very sad. Luckily it still drove. But still it was sort of traumatic. Then I had to sort of drive all over the city since my dad couldn't drive after the surgery. I got to his condo since I was staying over and lo and behold the mouse for my laptop didn't work...all randomly. So I got a new one then I had to go to my sister's since I'm housesitting for her come Thursday. And I just got home and was gonna start tagging and what happens...I slammed my hand in the trash compactor...really hard. So typing is not fun and I'm going to ice my hand and hopefully be up for tagging tomorrow.

Just wanted to share my fun days XD.

EDIT: But in good news I actually got the job I interviewed for...I didn't get it for this session but they liked me so much they pretty much hired me for the next training session which is supposed to be like the end of September. <3 So yay!
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