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The Genome Project: OOC

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[03 Mar 2011|12:32am]
So, like I mentioned in this post, I'm bringing sexy Nora back. You motherfuckers don't know how to act? I'm willing to change up her occupation, name, etc. She is generally happy-go-lucky and accepts just about anything. The only thing she isn't really fond of is being confined. Nora is a free spirit, and being on the island is only helping to make her antsy.

I know Makayla owns the theater. Is it a movie theater? Because Nora could own and run the performing arts theater or vice versa depending on what you want to do, Kayla. I had a sort of an idea that I wanted her to be pregnant, go full to term and then when she gave birth, the doctors tell her she had a stillborn. Only, that wasn't true and her actual kid is really hanging out on the island somewhere with another family.

Just an idea in case anyone wants to jump on that. Until she settles into a family though, she'll be Nora Chapman, the nicest lady you could ever possibly meet. I'm sure she'll still be that person if/when she gets tossed into a family, though for now, that's her name. Her adoptive daughter before could see dead people, so that would be something else to consider if anyone is looking for another character. It plays well with Nora's love of The Phantom of the Opera. XD

And yes, her husband is Sherlock Holmes Iron Man Tony Stark Robert Downey Jr. an actor. Humor me. ;)
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[03 Mar 2011|01:10pm]
Hi! This is Jessie once more picking up AJ's sister, Mal Swafford. Mal is a fierce bitch, and she isn't afraid to show it. She knows what she wants, and she's willing to do just about anything to get it. She isn't a particularly malicious person, as she can occasionally feel bad for the bad shit she's done, but she's mostly interested in furthering her own causes. Like the previously played Mal, her power is dream manipulation. However, she's really not interested in getting involved with people's dreams unless of course she can benefit from this somehow.

She doesn't really have many friends, because she tends to follow her own path which quite often leads to betraying people. She is a Hobbs student and does part time work at a law firm. She fully intends to be an attorney. She loves sports and is damn good at them. Other characters should beware. Mal doesn't do anything unless she can benefit from it. So, if she's nice to you, she probably needs something out of you. No one is ever really certain of Mal's true intentions, and she can change attitudes from one moment to the next in order to get what she wants. She's spoiled like whoa. lol

Anyway, I welcome any and all possible lines: friend-ish people, other students, coworkers, family, ex-boyfriends, love interests, etc. :)
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[03 Mar 2011|08:43pm]
I finally did the grade roster for the high school students. Check it out and make sure that your characters grade is right. =]
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