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The Genome Project: OOC

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[10 Feb 2011|12:25pm]
Just a note! Today's Ed's birthday, but he's not really making a big deal out of it considering all the craziness that's been going on.

Just thought I'd let everybody know :)
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[10 Feb 2011|01:42pm]
Another OOC post from me. Less happy than the mention of birthdays.

I'm letting Tetsuo go because his muse got quiet on me too. And not in his usual quiet way. So, say sayonara to your favorite (a.k.a. only) Asian scientist. He says Domo arigato for the fun times.

~ Jay
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[10 Feb 2011|08:53pm]
Hey guys,

I just wanted to apologize to the people with apps and/or tags waiting. Some kind of crazy emotional/health stuff has happened in the past few days so I might continue to be a little slow. I will do my best to tag the super-important threads and deal with/add the apps tonight though. Thanks for your patience!

~ Emily (Lexie, Rory etc. etc.)
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Plot Ahoy! [10 Feb 2011|09:43pm]
Greetings all! I was hoping to start up plot revolving around Mari. Nothing too crazy, except that her powers are going to all start manifesting on her randomly and the like.

My idea requires two volunteers for several different lines, though there can be many different pairs of volunteers for this type of plot. First, I need someone to volunteer their character's power. They don't actually need to do anything, but I would like to get permission from people before Mari leeches their power. XD And the second character is the one who is going to witness Mari's power explosion. And like I said, there could be various lines like this.

For example (using my kids):

Line 1:

Mari picks up Alfie's power from her contact with him at the dance. Later (that night or that week or that month), she's walking down the sidewalk when she bumps into a lightpost and it bends from her strength. Ethan sees her.

(Something like that)

Another example (since I know she has this power):

Mari is studying at the library when a roach comes out of nowhere and startles her. She UNLEASHES THE FORCE by accident of course and knocks down a bunch of bookshelves around the area where Jacen is studying.

So, multiple people can be involved, because there can be an insane variety and mixing of powers going on. Basically, I need [Character A's Power] + [Character B] = Hilarity ensues. I had dabbled with the idea of time travel and laughed my ass off at the thought of Mari time traveling. It would be so Michael J. Fox. For real.

And since there are going to be so many people at the dance with powers, that'll be the perfect place for her to absorb a shitload of them at once. XD

Thoughts? Volunteers? Questions? Dancing? LAY IT ON ME.
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Head's up! [10 Feb 2011|11:52pm]
Spoke to the modly gods about this already, but I wanted to let everyone know (well mostly the college students/staff) whoever is going to be using the computers - let's say tomorrow in the early afternoonish - get ready for a random message popping up on your screen. Kiko is inwardly grumpy and bored, so she decided to play with the internet network for about 15-20 minutes with a silly thing. It won't harm the computers, though people can think it will because they will shut down afterwards.

If someone wants to think it's Kiko they may. 'Cause the girl is just going to think she imagined she was doing it because she walked off after setting a countdown. But when realizing people are reacting to it, well, she might see that what she could do wasn't made up and that might make the plot thicken. Or she'll just go totally insane. XD
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