Monday, August 9th, 2010

Who: James and Penny
What: Party! :]
When: Sunday night
Where: James' house
Rating: TBD

James, of course, had ignored any warning that Penny would not want a party. )
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Saturday, August 7th, 2010

Who: Carter Manning & anyone involved or wanting to be involved in Not Silent Hill
What: Not Silent Hill Pre-Production meeting
When: Saturday, Aug 7th, 2pm
Where: Carter Manning's house
Rating: TBD (might be high with Mao and Luke there ;p)
Status: In Progress

Oh everytime I close my eyes I see my name in shining lights )
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Friday, August 6th, 2010

Who: Mao and Lily.
When: Super back dated to Lukas' coming home party!
Where: Fox residence.
Status: In progress.
Rating: Low? Moderate for drunken Mao's potty mouth?

If he ever dressed up as a girl again for a party, he'd wear a strappy dress or something so he wouldn't get so damn hot while dancing. )
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Thursday, August 5th, 2010

Who: Luke and Evan
What: Text
When: Right after this

(1) unread message )
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Who: Calvin and Jacen
What: Calvin needs a friend
When: Wednesday after this
Where: Calvin's house
Status: Incomplete
Rating: Probably low

Winter, spring, summer, or fall, all you gotta do is call )
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Wednesday, August 4th, 2010

Who: Aaron, Open to All
When: 5:30 pm Wednesday
Where: Out and About
What: Aaron's shopping

Clumsy, clumsy... )
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Who: Calvin and Jacen
What: Text
When: Wednesday morning

(1) unread message )
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Tuesday, August 3rd, 2010

Who: Luke and Lily
When: After this
What: Text

(1) unread message )
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Who: Dietre and Mari.
What: Dietre's powers get real.
When: Tuesday night/morning.
Where: In front of the Abendroth residence.
Rating: Moderate for blood?
Status: In-Progress

But how could he sleep? How could he, when there were things in his room? )
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Who: Maya & Jackson
What: Maya's freaked out, plus some usual bonding time
When: Monday Night, August 2nd
Where: Maya's Apartment
Rating: Low?
Status: In-Progress

She Falls Apart, By Herself )
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Lukas )

Annie )
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Monday, August 2nd, 2010

Who: Carter & Glory
What: "Not Silent Hill" talk & other stuff
When: Monday afternoon, August 2nd
Where: Bennett home
Rating: Low
Status: In-Progress

Getting to know you, getting to know all about you )
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Who: Maya & Jackson
What: Text
When: Monday, August 1st

You Got 1 New Message )
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Sunday, August 1st, 2010

Who: Josie & Jacen
What: Text
When: Sunday, August 1st

You have (1) Unread Message )
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Who: Eve Walker & Brendan Lux OT Whoever else happens to be there?
Where: Tiptoes Dance Studio
When: 1 pm
What: A meeting!
Rating: Well say moderate, just to be safe, but it should be pretty low

Let me teach you how to swing... )
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Who: Jackson Roberts & Lexie Tibbits, open to any of the Tibbits that may be home!
When: Afternoon
Where: Wednesday, July 28th, 4pm
What: The talk o' doom!
Rating: Low, but we'll say be careful of cursing just in case

Don't be long, I worry about you while you're gone )
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Who: Emily & Jacen
What: Watching Dune
When: Sunday, August 1st, noon
Where: Allen home
Rating: Low
Status: In-Progress

I am the thunder and you are the lightening )
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Who: Aaron & Penny
When: July 31st, late lunchtime-ish
Where: Frye's Leap Cafe, then around the beaches
What: Lunch and Photography with Aaron & Penny
Rating: PG

Aaron had his favorite camera bag with him as he took a seat at the cafe, waiting for Penny to show up. He'd taken some shots with his digital SLR as he walked through the town and was looking at them through the viewfinder, trying to decide if he wanted to go with film or keep with the digital for the rest of the day. He'd brought both, just in case, as well as an assortment of lenses- some his and some the paper's. Film was amazingly fun and had an authentic feeling to it, but turning his bathroom into a development lab meant at least a week of not being able to get rid of the chemical smell, not to mention the space was too small to move around in once you had all your trays and lines out. But he also didn't trust anyone else to develop them. Digital was looking better and better. Cheaper, too, and since he was about to treat Penny for lunch and try to coax her into dessert for her birthday, he decided digital was the way to go.

Setting the camera down, he picked up the menu he'd practically memorized over his lunch breaks and waited. The bell over the door chimed lightly and he looked up to see if it was Penny coming to join him.
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