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[22 Jul 2012|03:35pm]
Who: Alex and Olivia (likely the kids running around somewhere)
What: Shopping for sports equipment for Jon, birthday gift for Greg, and chatting with Oli
Where: Mall with a sporting goods store and possibly a store that sells Harry Potter stuff
When: Sunday afternoon
Rating: Low

How could two kids from the same parents be so completely different? )
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[22 Jul 2012|03:58pm]
Who: Johnny and Open
What: Working hard for the money
Where: Club in Manhattan
When: Sunday evening
Rating: Any

Hey. Got a song request? )
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[22 Jul 2012|04:43pm]
Who: Harry and Ethan
What: Being touristy
Where: Arlington National Cemetery
When: Sunday
Rating: Low

Virginia is for lovers. )
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[ viewing | July 22nd, 2012 ]
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