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[22 Jun 2011|10:20am]
Who: Johnny and Kaylee, Johnny and Bast
What: Text
When: Wednesday morning around 7 AM

(1) unread message )
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[22 Jun 2011|03:24pm]
Who: Bast to Noelle Baines, Evan Elwood, Natalie Evans, and Savannah Sullivan
What: Text Message
When: On his way out the door

You have (1) Unread Message )
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[22 Jun 2011|08:52pm]
Who: Bobby and Savannah
What: text
When: after this

Want to come on a double date with me and Nathan? Drinks and the beach?
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[22 Jun 2011|10:47pm]
Who: Jacen to Danielle and Samuel
What: A text
When: Sometime Wednesday during the day

You have (1) new message )
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[22 Jun 2011|11:05pm]
Who: Kaylee Ramsey and Kate Sullivan
What: Kay goes to the doctor and gets some unexpected news
Where: Kate's practice
When: Friday, June 24th [Pre-dated]
Rating: TBD

According to WebMD I might have a brain tumor... )
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