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[29 Dec 2010|05:11pm]
Who: Natalie and Evan
What: Text
When: Today!
Rating: PG-13?

Inbox (1) )
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[29 Dec 2010|05:56pm]
Who: Mal and Ed
What: Text.
When: After this.

(1) new message )
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[29 Dec 2010|06:30pm]
WHO: Mal and Nat
WHAT: Ice cream, cookies, hot cocoa and girl time.
WHERE: Nat’s.
WHEN: Backdated to right after Mal’s grumpy post of grumpiness.
RATING: Mal has a mouth on her, but otherwise low.
STATUS: Incomplete

If this was what her brothers had meant when they’d said that boys were complicated and liking boys was even more complicated? She wished she’d listened. )
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[29 Dec 2010|11:27pm]
Who: Lexie and Mal (because Lex still has her number)
What: Text
When: During the (no longer front-dated!) madness that is the Eisen/Lexie date-thing

Please read this )
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[ viewing | December 29th, 2010 ]
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