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The Genome Project

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[18 Dec 2010|12:01am]
Who: Penny and her aunt Cordelia.
Where: Penny's room.
When: Friday evening.
What: Solo Log. Penny reveals a deep, dark secret to her aunt.
Rating: PG-13.

I just want to be normal. )
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[18 Dec 2010|11:28am]
WHO: Eisen and Rory
WHAT: Texting.
WHY: Eisen just came to a painful conclusion. He needs to tell his best friend.
WHEN: After this happened.

You have (1) new message! )
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[18 Dec 2010|11:52pm]
WHO: Sasha and Gio
WHAT: Gio is drowning in drama and wants out.
WHEN: Saturday evening, Dec 18

Inbox (1) )
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