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[06 Dec 2010|07:01pm]
Who: Emma and Francis
What: texting
When: After Calvin's email

Inbox(1) )
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[06 Dec 2010|08:29pm]
Who: Emma and Alfie, Emma and Annie
What: text
When: Monday afternoon, immediately following Lexie's accident, but right before she gets to the hospital

Same text sent to both of them )
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[06 Dec 2010|09:16pm]
Who: Laney and Natalie
What: borrowing clothing
When: tonight
Where: Natalie's apartment
Rated: low, but possibly highish for Laney's mouth

Read more... )
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[06 Dec 2010|09:43pm]
Who: Laney and Alfie
What: Text.
When: After this.

You have (1) unread message )
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Cute boys and cheese [06 Dec 2010|09:54pm]
WHO: Savannah, Bobby, and Sam
WHAT: Chillaxing at the Deli
WHERE: Frye's Leap Convenience
WHEN: December 6, about 6 PM
STATUS: Incomplete

I love you with so much of my heart that none is left to protest. )
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[06 Dec 2010|10:59pm]
Who: Emma and Francis and NPC!Jacob
What: Lexie is hurt
Where: hospital
When: shortly after Lexie falls

Emma was all out of sorts )
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[06 Dec 2010|11:30pm]
WHO: Arthur and Francis
WHAT: Lexie is in the hospital, so Francis gives Arthur a call to both update him and get further instructions.
WHEN: Monday, Dec 6

'It's Francis. Tibbits is in the hospital.' )
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[ viewing | December 6th, 2010 ]
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