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[15 Sep 2010|09:23am]
Who: James and Mao
What: Text!
When: Backdated to shortly after THIS.

Inbox (1) )
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[15 Sep 2010|12:29pm]
Who: Katie and Mao
What: text
When: probably while James is texting Mao (that would be funniest but I can change it if you want)

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[15 Sep 2010|05:55pm]
Who: Nadine and Lukas.
What: Nostalgiaaaa.
Where: School.
When: Today.
Rating: TBD. Proooobably low.

Remember when? )
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[15 Sep 2010|07:45pm]
Who: Emily and Katie
What: text
When: after Mao was no help

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[15 Sep 2010|09:48pm]
Who: Josie and Jacen
What: Text
When: Tonight

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[ viewing | September 15th, 2010 ]
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