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[14 Sep 2010|10:22am]
Who: Luke and Natalie
What: Text
When: Tuesday morning

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[14 Sep 2010|11:50am]
Who: Natalie and Lukas
What: Nat needs a hug x1000
Where: Luke's house
When: Today
Rating: TBD

Natalie was, quite frankly, fed up with the entire situation. )
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a little bird told me... [14 Sep 2010|11:34pm]
Dear Hobbs students, Professor Bacchus has a special announcement for you. He wonders if there's any interest in opening an Intro to Law class in the Spring. But I do wonder, faithful Hobbs students, what is the purpose of such a class if in the last 30 years not a single graduate from Frye Island has ever gone to practice law outside of the island. And let's go a little further. No student period has ever gone to practice anything outside of the island.

So, here's what I say to you, Professor Bacchus, shove your class in someone else's face. This Songbird knows the truth. And there's a lot more where that came from.

Stay tuned, my little birdies, and keep on singing...

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[ viewing | September 14th, 2010 ]
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